I4 Rounds
Row 500m @ 90%
9 C&J @ 135 (TnG sets of 3)
9 T2B
6 C&J @ 135 (TnG sets of 3)
6 T2B
Rest 3min b/t sets
R1: 3:50 (1:38 row)
R2: 4:21 (1:40)
R3: 5:04 (1:47)
R4: 4:49 (1:47)
This was chest crushing, and forearm. Broke t2b last 2 sets 5,4 and 6. 3rd set did 4 singles on 6 set of C and J.
Airdyne - 30sec @ 85%
Airdyne - 30sec @ 50%
271 avg watts, 393 top avg, 150 bottom
196 cals