Friday, October 13, 2017


2. Strength
Find a 1RM Front Squat

265, missed 275.

3. Met-Con
3 Rounds:
50m Farmer’s Carry
140/90lbs per hand
Run 400m

Time: 7:05
Used hex bar with 275 total.

4. Interval
4 Rounds:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
20 Wallballs 30/20lbs
15 Toes to Bar
Max Rep Dumbbell Snatch in remaining time 70/50lbs
Rest :60
Score is total DB Snatch.

R1: 16
R2: 10
R3: 6
R4: 6

Total: 38
T2b died: 15, 10-5, 8-7, 5-5-5. The 5, 7 , and 2 of the 5s were singles.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Squat snatch max
Not a good morning. Missed 165 4x. That's awful.

Push press max

50 burpees for time:

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Deadlift 3RM
385 no prob
Couldn't move 405 passed 1 inch.

Squat snatch 135
Muscle ups

Time: 7:02
Snatch all singles, mu ub.

Death by hspu
Walk 5' further every minute until you can't fit it in the minute.

I got 17' in the 20' minute (minute 4).

5k xebex (bike)
8:18 (103 cals)