Friday, December 9, 2022


3 sets
5 rounds
4 powerclean 185#
4 burpee box jump overs 24"
Rest 5min

Set 1: 4:45
Set 2: 4:36
Set 3: 4:18

All PC singles, no misses. Got faster as I got warm.

Kettlebell WOD A

Had 1 missed TGU with each arm.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

Front squat
2 reps each at
Then 1 rep at 215

10min amrap
15 hspu
10 pistols
5 ring muscle ups

Rest 5min

10min amrap
5 bar muscle ups
10 pistols
15 burpees

Total: 235

Part 1: 108 (3+15+3)
All rmu ub. Hspu 8-7, 8-7, 5s, 5-3-3-3-1

Part 2: 127 (4+5+2)
All bmu ub.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

3 rounds
20 sec hang alt straight leg raises
20 sec hang dbl leg raises
20 sec hang kip leg raises

2 rounds for time
30cal bike
30 alt hang dbl snatch 50#
30 burpees

Rest 5min

Score is slowest time

Time: 5:35

first round 3:54 ub. off bike in 45 sec.

second round bike 1:03, snatch as 12-8-10, burpees rested at 10 and 20. This set burned bad. snatch transitions weren't smooth.

Sunday, December 4, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

Today was my best sit up on the TGU ever.

War of the wods 2023
Workout 1
One works while other holds 80# sandbag at chest. Reps only count during partner gold.
12min cap
50 wallball 20#
40 pull ups
30 box jump overs 24"
15 kipping hspu
10 bar muscle ups
100 DUs
10 ring muscle ups
15 strict hspu
20 t2b
30 bjo
40 pull ups
50 wb

We finished the 2nd 40 pull ups with 4sec left.

I did 50 wb ub, 30 bjo, 10 bmu, 40 DUs, 4 rmu, 10 t2b, 15 bjo, 20 pull ups

2 rounds
30 Laying banded pullovers red
20 laying toe to rig