Friday, May 24, 2019


6 rounds
0:25 row max cals
1min rest


2 rft:

75 wallball 20
50 cal rogue bike
25 c2b

Time: 20:03
Goal was sub 20. I beat Adam by 1 sec. Caught gim on 2nd bike.

1st round: wb as 40-35, bike at 60 rpm/257 watts in 4:16, c2b as 10-10-5 in 8:52 total.

2nd round: wb as all 10s then 5, bike at 58rpm/237 watts in 4:35, c2b as 10-5-5-5.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Back Squat
5x5 at 72.5%


15min amrap

3 rope climbs
6 squat cleans 185
9 box jump overs 30"

R: 4+2 cleans
Cleans were quick singles all the rest was Unbroken. I felt good with my transitions on clean's they were not too long but I could be faster.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


"Hot Air"
On the 5:00 x 5:
30 Air Squats
20/15 Calorie Row
7 Power Snatches 135

I modified the snatches to 14 slamball 30# cuz my wrist is tweaked.

R1: 1:58
R2: 1:55
R3: 1:53
R4: 1:52
R5: 1:46