2017 Cycle 4 – Week 5 Day 2
Miss the Cycle 4 Podcast? Check it out HERE
1. Warm-up
Row 150/100 Calories
2. Strength
Back Squat 5×6 @75%
Push Jerk 5×6 @70%
3. Met-Con
Open WOD 12.1 and 11.3
AMRAP 7 Minutes of Burpees to 6″ Target
Total: 107 ub
7 better than 2012
Rest 5 Mins
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Squat Clean and Jerk 165/110lbs
Total: 6 of 8 attempts. Missed the first totally and lost jerk out front on 2nd to last.
4. Interval
3 Rounds:
20 Ring Dips
20 Calorie Assault
Rest 2:00
R1: 1:31, dips ub
R2: 1:36, dips 10-5-5
R3: 1:48, dips 10-3-3-1-1-1-1