Saturday, November 3, 2012

11/3/12 - at hotel

4 Rounds of:
3 Bench Press @ 80% - 100 lb DB
1 Dead-lift @ 90% - 370 ( couldn't fit more weight)
5 Strict Press @ 70% - 60 lb DB
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Part 1
12min AMRAP of:
10 KB Swings 62/44
8 C2B Pull-ups

Rounds: 6, 144 reps

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Snatch 5x3 75% - 145

Squat 5x3 75% - 245

3000m row: 11:24, 1:54 pace

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


5min Specific Mobility, 2 x 10 GHD Sit-ups, 1 x 15sec L-sit hold, 1 x 15m HS Walk, 2 x 6 GH Raise


Clean & Jerk - 5 x 4 (75%) - 185


Part 1

20 Rounds on the minute of:

3 Push-press @ 60% of 1RM - 135

5 Toes-to-bar

Notes: Try to hold a consistent time for every round (e.g. pace yourself on round #1). Bar should start on the floor every round, not from a rack.

Avg time: 13 secs

Monday, October 29, 2012


Heavy Fran is a bit of an experiment. The Thruster weight should be very difficult to manage for the set of 9 reps. Make sure to record your times as we will repeat this workout again.

Front Squat - 7 x 1 (work to max for the day) - 185,205,225,235,245,255(fail),245

Part 1
Heavy Fran
9 Thruster @ 55% of Push Press 1RM
21 Pull-ups
6 Thruster @ 55% of Push Press 1RM
15 Pull-ups
3 Thruster @ 55% of Push Press 1RM
9 Pull-ups

Time: 2:13