Friday, April 2, 2021


10 round partner YGIG
12 cal bike
4 clusters 95#
12 box jump over 24"

Times: 1:15, 1:16, 1:30, 1:49, 1:44

Did 115# for rounds 2+3

Chest and legs were smoked. The road back is long.

5 rounds for time
5 deadlift 225
30ft ha walk
200m run

Time: 13:53
This was the best hs walk I've done in a while

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


500m row in 1:50.3

5min airdyne
30 sec at 50rpm
30 sec at 67 rpm

3 rounds
10 strict pull ups
10 single arm DB bench on wall all each arm 50#

5min airdyne 30/30

500m row in 1:49.2

Sunday, March 28, 2021



3x8 min amrap:

1 plate push down 
20 push ups
10 wall all 20#

R: 4+1 plate push

Rest 2min

10 cal row
8 box jump 24"
8 single arm DB thruster 50#

R: 4+10cals

Rest 2min

8 cal bike
8 s2o 95#
8 burpees

R: 4