Friday, January 5, 2024


 Every 2 min for 10 min

90 DUs

I sucked on this again. Biggest set was a pathetic 40. Only hit 90 on the first and last sets. Others got 89, 80, 73.

Open 22.1

15 min AMRAP

3 wall walk

12 SA DB snatch 50#

15 box jump over, 24"

Total: 213

This was 1 rep better than in 2022. I was surprised because I still have the URI and was just moving steady, not trying to crush it. However this was the most efficient DB snatch wod ive ever had because I was finally was smooth on the overhead transition.

At full health I would def beat this.

Chest superset

3 rounds

10 bench press 155#

10 plate deficit push ups

I needed a spot for the last 5 bench reps on 3rd set. Push ups died each set as 10, 7, 3.


 40 min cap

1500m row

150 DUs

1000 row

100 DUs

500 row

50 DUs

rest 5 min

1500m run

150 ft hs walk

1000m run

100 ft hs walk

500m run

50 ft hs walk

Time: 40:00

I completed 50 ft of hs walk of the 150.

I am sick with URI so was just here to sweat. Def didn't have the energy I wanted.

Rowed at 1:55 pace. 

1500m in 5:49

1000m in 3:49

500m in 1:53

1500m run in 7:59

DUs were crappy, took way too long. 

Monday, January 1, 2024


 Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes

15/12 cal rogue bike

I biked 87-93 rpm each round to finish between 25-30 sec each time.

Open 18.3

14 min cap

2 rounds

100 DUs

20 OHS 115#

100 DUs

12 Ring Muscle Ups

100 DUs

20 SA DB Snatch 50#

100 DUs

12 Bar Muscle Ups

Total: 372

Finished 20 DUs before the BMU. This is exactly 100 reps less than I did in 2018. My DUs were way worse today than in 2018, that was the difference. My largest set was 36. Not good. RMU were 7-5. OHS 10-10. Snatches were 3-3-3-3-4-4 alternating arms.

The bike first impacted my shoulders.