Saturday, March 1, 2014

3/1/14 Open 14.1 1st Attempt

10 min AMRAP
30 dus
15 S2O 75#

Total: 308

Did all snatch 6,5,4 til last 8 were 3,2,3. Last 2 dus sets broke at 9 cuz physically couldn't spin anymore. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Woke up for AM z1 and didn't do it because I felt a little weak like I was getting sick. Took Monolaurin and feel good now.

5 C&J @ 135#
300m Run @ 85%
Rest 90sec b/t sets

R1: 1:49
R2: 1:43
R3: 1:37
R4: 1:39

These felt good. Felt the groin just a tad on runs.

10 C2B Pull-ups
90sec Row @ 85%
Rest 90sec b/t sets

R1: 1:53, 408m
R2: 1:55, 427m
R3: 1:53, 426m
R4: 1:53, 442m

I felt strong in these. C2b felt smooth and hitchless.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


A. Squat Clean x1 + FS x2 - in 5 sets, build to 1RM; rest as needed


B. Power Snatch - 5 heavy singles; rest 90sec


EMOM for 12min
Odd - 5 TOUGH TnG DL
Even - 6 UB Muscle-ups

DL 315 all UB
All MU UB, last 3 reps were tough

Didn't feel great today. Didn't have any pop on oly work. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


A. Muslce-up - 4x 6 UB reps; rest as needed b/t sets

No prob

10min AMRAP
30 Double-unders
15 Snatch @ 75#
Rest 15min

R: 5+18
Did snatch 15, 15, then all 8,7
Best dus set was 26, that's poor.

4x @ 85% effort
5 Thrusters @ 135#
7 C2B
Rest 60sec b/t sets

R1: 31
R2: 28
R3: 27
R4: 27

C2b felt good