15 t2b
15 powersnatch 75
15 wallball 20
15 box jump 24
R: 3+2 Bj
1st round UB
Then 8,7 t2b and 8,7 snatch til last set snatch was 5,5,5
This blog is dedicated to spreading the news and knowledge of true Wellness. I hope to bring new and fresh perspectives to my readers on what true health is and how you achieve it. I hope to show you that you and you alone are responsible and accountable for your health and quality of life.
1. ECC Qualifier WOD 1
3 RFT:
7 Muscle ups
7 Squat Clean Thrusters, 165/110
Time: 9:37
Sqclth singles. These killed my time.
2. Goat Work
Odd: 1-5 reps of a movement you need to work on.
Even: 1-5 reps of a movement you need to work on.
Odd: 5 strict hspu
Even: 10 t2b