Saturday, July 6, 2013


Saturday 130706

4 Rounds @ 70-80-90-100% record each round time, descend times by round

15 Deadlift @ 225

15 Box Jumps @ 30”

400m Run

Rest 5min b/t rounds

R1: 3:37.7 (5,5,5)

R2: 3:31.5 (6,5,4)

R3: 2:58.6 (8,7)

R4: 2:32.5 UB

Friday, July 5, 2013


Friday 130705

EMOM for 24min

Odd - 3 Squat Clean & Push Jerk @ 65%


Even - 5 Deficit HSPU (4")

Tough like last week. Took a 2 min rest after 18 min. Increased deficit to 44+15 this week. 1+2 strict then all kip.


EMOM for 24min

Odd - 3 Squat Snatch @ 65%

125, failed 1st rep on 3 sets

Even - 3-5 Muscle-ups

Did 5 for 6 sets, 3 for 3 sets, 5 for rest

Tough stuff. Rested 2 min at 14 and went til 26

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Thursday 130704

A1. Front Squat - 5 x 6; rest 60sec (build to heavy)

185, 195, 205, 215 (4,1,1), 225 (3,2,1), 235 (2,1,1,1,1)

Oops did 6 sets of 6. This was tough. It's not my legs that fail me, it's my rack.

A2. RDL - 5 x 6; rest 2min (build to heavy)

225, 245, 275, 295, 315

B. Back Squat - 3 x AMRAP; rest 3min (same as last week)

205 for 15, 13, 12

C. T2B - 4 x AMRAP UB minus 3; rest 60sec

23, 16, 11, 11


Airdyne - 6 x 20sec for max cals; rest 3min

20, 23, 22, 20, 17, 20

Overall it's was a good day of tough work. Especially with a poor night of sleep and having to get up early and take Kate to the airport. Getting stronger every day and focusing on strong technique.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Tuesday 130702

(2:45pm)EMOM for 24min

Min #1 - Kipping HSPU - 6 reps

Min #2 - Kipping Pull-ups - 8 reps

Min #3 - Ring Dips - 6 reps

This piece was easy. My slowest time for any round was 12 seconds. All the times are found in the picture below. The only thing that was annoying was my pull-up rhythm was way off. I need to spend some time working correct butterfly.


(8pm) Row - 6-8 x 500m @ 3sec faster than 2000m row pace; rest 2min (stop when you can no longer hold consistent pacing)

My rower doesn't have pacing so I did 1:40 row for distance and got these. I know these aren't right but it gets me close.

R1: 560 (1.76)
R2: 610 (1.91)
R3: 642 (2.02)
R4: 617 (1.94)
R5: 610 (1.91)
R6: 585 (1.84)
R7: 620 (1.95)
R8: 610 (1.91)

Monday, July 1, 2013


Monday 130701

A. Back Squat - 5 x 8; rest 2min (all sets at working weight, heavier than last week)

245, this was a challenge. Every set I'd did the first 4 at good tempo. The second 4 were longer pauses at the too. Did all sets without breaking.

B1. BB Walking Lunge- 5 x 20 steps; rest 60sec

135, felt good pump in hips and quads

B2. Good Morning - 5 x 6; rest 2min (heavier than last week)


C. Hanging Knee Raise - 4 x 10; rest 60sec

Last set was griptastic


Butcher - 6 x 15m Sprint; rest 3min (start @ BW, add 20# each set)

200, :06

220, :06

240, :07

260, :06

280, :07