Saturday, August 10, 2013


Saturday 130810

12min AMRAP of:

200m Run

7 Knees to elbows

10 Russian Step-ups

Rest 5min


12min AMRAP of:

250m Row

40 Double-unders

Rest 5min


12min AMRAP of:

250m Row

7 Burpees

These felt great. After yesterday I needed a wod to make me feel good. Was real sore upon waking, feel ok now. Last 4 min of last AMRAP was mental.

My scores are left, Kyle is right:

Friday, August 9, 2013

8/9/13 - Embarassing


Choice Cyclical - 20min @ Z1

15min airdyne

5min row

Wore a HR monitor to find my pacing for a z1 zone of 125-135 bpm. Airdyne pace for that is 130-150 watts, row pace is 2:06.


Mobility - 20min



I am embarrassed by today.

5 Rounds for time; each round faster than the previous w/o resting b/t rounds.

15 Thrusters @ 95#

15 C2B Pull-ups

20 Wall Ball @ 20#

20 Pull-ups

Broke every set into 5s, 5s, 10s, 5s. I just didn't have it today. Warm ups felt hard. My 70% felt like 100.

Total time: 36:40

Rounds: 6:05, 6:28, 8:21, 7:53, 7:50


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Thursday 130808

A. Clean & Jerk - 20min Technique work + build to heavy

3x95, 3x135, 2x165, 2x185, 2x205, 2x225, 1x245 (tied PR)

B. Wtd Ring Dips - 5 x 5 @ 31x1; rest 90sec-2min

26# kb all UB

C. Wtd. Strict C2B Pull-ups - 5 x 3.2.1; rest 10sec b/t clusters, 90sec b/t rounds

35# kb UB


EMOM for 10min

Odd - Squat Clean - 3 tough reps (at least 70% 1RM squat clean)

165 UB for 3 sets then 185 UB for 2 sets. Took 14 sec for 165 and 16 for 185

Even - Muscle-up - 3-5 UB reps

Did 5 UB every set in 18 sec


EMOM for 10min

Odd - Push Jerk - 3 tough reps (at least 70% 1RM Push Jerk)

3 sets of 165, 1 set 175, 1 set 185, all UB. I don't have a push jerk max, just a split jerk. So I was kind of guessing. I would try all sets 185 if I did it over.

Even - C2B Pull-up 8-10 Reps

All sets of 10. Broke rhythm on 3rd. And 5th set.

This was a good day of shoulder work. Tied my clean and jerk max. Tried 5lbs heavier and didn't get the jerk.


Rest day

10min z1 row - 2608m, 1:55 pace

10min z1 airdyne - 195 avg watts, 142cal

20min mobility

Comment from Kyle: 
you have a HR monitor I'd wear it for your Z1, you might be going too fast on your Z1 work. Should be HR b/t 125-135. 

Monday, August 5, 2013


Didn't get to do z1 yesterday. Did it today:

10 min z1 row - 2517m

10 min z1 airdyne - 93cal

5 Rounds for time @ 60-70-80-90-100%

20 Power Snatches @ 75

15 Cals Airdyne

10 T2B

200m Run

Rest 3min b/t rounds

R1: 7:44, dropped every snatch, 70 watts, 5,5 t2b

R2: 6:12, dropped every 2 snatch, 110 watts, 5,5 t2b

R3: 4:13, dropped every 5, 170 watts, 10 t2b

R4: 3:00, 10,10, 300 watts

R5: 2:31, UB, 600 watts

This was good work. I felt good on each round. Brenden really helped me figure out the slow paces.



- Record time for all rounds

- Break movements whenever needed in order to hit desired pacing

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Starting this week we will begin to bring double training sessions back into the program.  They will start out as Z1 + Mobility sessions for the first couple of weeks to allow your body to adjust to the increased volume.  Essentially it is time to start preparing for the volume and loading that you will experience at the Regional individual or team level.  Ensure that you are adding enough calories to match your extra expendature with the increased volume

Monday Aug-5


Choice Cyclical - 20min @ Z1


Mobility - 20min



A. Squat Snatch Clusters - 5 x; rest 20sec b/t clusters + 2min b/t sets (70-75%)

135, UB no misses. Low back got tight after 3rd set. Took a bit to recover and loosen up after the 5th set

B. Wall Facing HSPU - 5 x AMRAP; rest 90sec

11, 5, 3, 3, 2

This was tough, no shoulder endurance. Pathetic.


EMOM for 12min

Odd - KB Swing - 8-12 Tough reps

79# for 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 all UB

Even - Push Jerk - 8-12 Tough reps

135 for 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8 none UB

The first 3 rounds felt ok, the last 3 were real tough in the jerk.


EMOM for 12min

Odd - Rebounding Box Jump @ 30” - 4-6 reps (take a 2-3sec pause @ top of box)

All good 

Even - Wtd. Strict Ring Dips - 4-6 reps

62#, all sixes UB til last set of 4,1,1.



- The choice cyclical work can be running, rowing, swimming, biking, hiking

- Focus more on stretching than smashing for your mobility work

- The PM session does not have to be in the PM just after your AM cyclical work

- You will need to do a wall-walk in order to get into position for the strict W.F. HSPU