Thursday, August 29, 2013

8/29/13 testing day 4

Handstand walk practice

This was the best I've ever done. Squeezing the Burt an feet together are key. Now just stop bending the elbows.

Max weighted pull up

35, 53, 62, 79, 88, 96, 106, 116, 126

126# PR by 3#

30 Muscle Ups for time

Time: 3:44

Crushed my previous time of 6:14 in February. Did 5 every 30 sec thru 15, then 3 every 15 sec to end.

Avg HR: 160, max 169/min 111, cals 61

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8/28/13 testing day 3

Wed Aug-28
2013 CrossFit Open 13.4
8min AMRAP
3 C&J @ 135/95
3 T2B
6 C&J
6 T2B
9 C&J
9 T2B

Total: 107, that is 17 clean and jerks into the 18 set.

I freakin crushed this!  That is a 9 rep improvement over my best in the Open.  After my score of 98 in the Open I was laid out on the floor dead.  When the clock hit zero today I felt great and could've kept going to 12 minutes.  I walked it off and feel great this time.  Im pumped.  It felt night and day different from the Open.

Avg HR: 166, max 174/min 118, cals 175 

Dropped every rep of C&J, T2B did UB through 6 then broke up as follows:

9- 5,4
12- 6,6
15- 6,5,4

I didn't take more than a 4 second rest anywhere in the WOD.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8/27/13 Testing Day 2

Row 500m max effort for time x3, rest 10 min between

R1: 1:23.7

This was a 4 second PR.  Adductors were smoked after this!  Felt nauseous.
Avg HR: 154,  max 175/min 123, cals 19

R2: 1:32.7

Avg HR: 150, max 162/min 124, cals 18

R3: 1:34.3

Avg HR: 148, max 159/min 121, cals 18

Took a good 15 minutes for my legs to not feel like they were going to explode after the last round.  This was tough work.  Had cotton mouth during last row.

Monday, August 26, 2013

8/26/13 testing day 1

Snatch 1 RM

Hit 200 for first time ever. 5 pound pR. This felt good. Kyle coached me thru. I need to work on fast hips and full hip extension.

5 RFT:
15 power snatch 75#
15 t2b
15 burpees

Time: 14:48

Avg HR: 166, max 175/min 117, cals 306.

R1: 2:18, avg HR 154.
I felt okay on this round but in the grand scheme of things went out too fast.  I knew better too.  I went UB for the whole thing.  I should have listened to my better judgement and broken the snatches into 5s and the T2B into 5s.

R2: 2:53, avg HR 164.
Broke snatches into 5s and T2B into 5s.

R3: 3:06, avg HR 167.
Same breakdown

R4: 3:26, avg HR 169
Had to break T2B to 5, 3, 3, 4

R5: 3:03, avg HR 172
T2B were 5, 3, 3, 2, 2

Avg Round: 2:57

If I listened to myself regarding the strategy I should have done, I may have done better.