Saturday, August 3, 2013


Saturday 130803

A. Squat Clean & Jerk - Build to heavy single

135, 185, 205, 225, 245(fail)

I was scolded for making too big of a jump. You're right. Next time when I get to heavy ill make 5 pound jumps so I don't even notice.

B. Squat Snatch - Build to heavy single

135, 155, 165, 175, 185(failx3)

Same as above. Had to make jumps to hurry and be done so Kate could do 11am.


Isabel (30 reps for time 135 snatch)

Time: 3:39 PR by 1 sec

Strategy was 5 reps every 30 sec, held it thru 2 min with sets of 5 UB. Last 10 reps were singles and took 1:39. Terrible.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Airdyne - 10min for Max Cal (use AD4 not AD6)

229 cal, 324 avg watts


EMOM for 14min

Odd - Power Snatch - 3 TnG reps (moderate, focus on technique not speed)

125 all sets UB and done in 8-11sec

Even - Burpee - 10 reps (focus on efficiency)

All sets done in 20-22 except one took 24 sec


EMOM for 12min

Odd - Weighted GHD Back Extension - 12reps

25 with all UB in 18-25 sec

Even - T2B - 10reps

All UB in 15 sec


EMOM for 10min

Odd - KB Swings - 10 heavy tough reps

70#, all UB

Even - Double-unders - 30 reps

Broke 3x on 1st set and took 30 sec, rest were UB in 17-18 sec

I'm exhausted today. Went to bed at 1am and got woken up at 3:30, 6:30, and 7. This stuff went really well considering how I feel.



Rest 2-3min b/t EMOM’s

Monday, July 29, 2013


A. 1 & ¼ Back Squat - 5 x 3; rest 2min (build to heaviest possible)

165, 185, 205, 225, 245 (2.5 then fail)

B. Butcher - 5 x 15m; rest 3min (heavy, these should be grinding efforts not sprints)

240, 270, 300, 330, 360


10min time cap:

50 Wall Ball, 24#

50 Double-unders

5 Muscle-ups

40 Wall Ball, 24#

40 Double-unders

4 Muscle-ups





Total: finished the 3 MU

The first round felt easy and then the breathing got tough overall I just feel not to par and my aerobic capacity. But that's to be expected after a strength cycle.