Friday, April 16, 2021


Every 90 sec for as long as possible
1 hang clean and jerk
Built from 95
Hit 235 clean but not jerk
Hit 225

Front squat 155
Bar facing burpees

Time: 19:16

Hspu as 12-9, 8-7, 6-3, 6, 3
Fs 11-6-4, 8-7, 9, 6, 3

20min emom
40 sec each
Wall sit
Strict pull ups
Straight arm banded pull downs
30 sec accumulated ring l sit

GHD 15s
Pull ups 12 then 10s

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Half kneeling BB strict press 65%
5x5 each arm single db bent row

100 and 80

For time:
1 mile run
40 pull ups
400m run
100 air squats
800m run
80 abmats

Time: 22:05

Mile in 6:59
Pull ups in 10s
Squats as 25-25-10s
Abmats ub

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


10x3 on minute
All at 165

20min emom
10 cal row
5 power snatch 95

Held for 5 rounds then amrap
Got 14 rounds
Was partnered with Brantley. She started on rower and I went immediately after her.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Clean and jerk 155#
Burpee box jump over 30"

Time: 4:07
All singles

40min cap
Amrap until 10K
3 min rogue bike
1 round:
5 strict pull ups
1 lap sled push w/55#
5 banded tricep push downs

Time: 23:48
Took 13min on bike.
Was 207 cals
Avg 267 watts and 68 rpm