TBros back
4 rounds
20 chest supported DB rows on 30 degree incline bench (medium weight)
30# each hand
immediately into
15 DB incline bench face down V-raises (light weight)
5# each hand
4 sets building to heavy
10 reps of the following BB complex:
1 RDL + 1 Bent over row = 1 rep
all unbroken
This was forearm heavy!
3 sets build to heavy
12 reps each arm - single arm DB band resisted row, 35# with red band
immediately into
30 straight arm banded pvc press down with 2 sec neg
red band
20min cap
5 rounds
5 heavy wallball 30#
10 powerclean 155#
15 hspu
Time: 15:28
PC all quick singles
Hspu was limiting piece. Sets were 10-5, 8-4-3, 6-5-4, 8-4-3, 6-3-3-3
15 min z2 bike
58 rpm avg
158 cals
Accumulate 3 min hang
rest min
rest min