Saturday, February 16, 2013


A. Jerk Drills - 5 x 5 (light)
B. Snatch - 3 x 1 (90%) 165
C. Clean & Jerk - 3x 1 (90%) 220
Perform the following couplets WITH NO REST between each
16 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
10 Muscle-ups
14 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
8 Muscle-ups
12 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
6 Muscle-ups
3 Rounds of:
21 Box Jumps @ 24”
21 T2B
75 Slamball @ 24# wallball

Did it in my garage w obstacles sowing my muscle ups and t2b

Time: 19:55

Friday, February 15, 2013


A. Jerk Drills - 5 x 5 (light)
B. Clean & Jerk - 3 x 1 (80%) 210
C. Snatch - 3 x 1 (80%) 155
D. Banded Back Squat – 8 x 3 (light, fast, explosive); on the minute

For time:
25 Double-unders
50 Double-unders
20 Deficit HSPU (25# plates)
75 Double-unders
10 Deficit HSPU (45# plates)
100 Double-unders
Time: 10:57
Hit 68 straight DUs last set

7min AMRAP of:
3 KB Snatch @ 53# (each arm)
3 Burpees (open standard - touch 6" above reach)
6 KB Snatch @ 53# (each arm)
6 Burpees (open standard - touch 6" above reach)
9 KB Snatch @ 53# (each arm)
9 Burpees (open standard - touch 6" above reach)
12 ...
12 ...

R: 7 Burpees into 15

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A. Jerk Drills - 5 x 5 (light)
B. Hang Muscle Snatch - 5 x 5 (empty bar, minimal hip involvement, focus on "spreading the bar" at the top rather than pushing up)
C1. Snatch Dead-lift - 5 x 2 (90% of Snatch 1RM, focus on hips & shoulders rising together); rest 60sec

C2. Weighted Clap Push-ups – 5 x 8
(12# Weight Vest); rest 60sec
3 Rounds of:
150m Row Sprint
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 115
12 Burpees (open standard: hand-release + touch 6in above reach)
30 Double-unders
Rest 3min btw rounds
R1: 2:08
R2: 2:01
R3: 1:53
3 Rounds of:
15cal Airdyne Sprint
6 Hang Power Clean @ 185
12 hr Burpees
25 Push-ups (open standard: hand-release + feet elevated on plate)
Rest 3min btw rounds
R1: 2:36
R2: 3:01
R3: 3:24

2/12/13 PM

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Wallball @ 30#
12 Pull-ups
Time: 8:17
Rest 5min
3 Rounds for time of: (compare to 1/19/2013)
500m Row
15 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters @ 95
Time: 10:05
Rest 5min
10min Airdyne for Max Cal

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/12/13 AM

A. Jerk Drills - 5 x 5 (light)

B. Snatch - 3 x 1 (90%) 185

C. Clean & Jerk - 3 x 1 (90%) 220

D1. 5 x 3 Front Squat @ 80% of heavy single from 2/1/2013; rest 60sec

D2. 5 x 6 Muscle-ups for time; rest 60sec

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2/11/13 PM

3 x 1000m Row @ 85% intensity; rest 2min btw each
1:55 pace
3:44, 3:43, 3:24 (messed up on first 2, did 85% pace not effort)

30min Continuous Mixed Modal Aerobic (do not stop moving)
Include the following movements:
Step-up or Lunge
DB Press or DB Push-press
GHD Sit-up
100lb DB snatch
20min Airdyne @ Z1

2/11/13 AM

A. Jerk Drills - 5 x 5 (light)

B. Clean & Jerk - 3 x 1 (80%)

C. Snatch - 3 x 1 (80%)

6 Rounds of:
4 TnG Deadlift @ 75% - 320
8 Deficit HSPU (45# Plate)
Rest 60sec between rounds