Saturday, September 6, 2014


10 Deadlift @ 135#
10 Front Squats @ 135#
10 STOH @ 135#
10 Burpes over the bar
Rest 5min
*record splits and breaks

R1:  1:39 ub
R2: 1:32 ub
R3: 1:30 ub
R4: 1:24 ub

This was great. I thought it'd be tough going ub and I'd get slower each time. I was a little concerned about hurting my neck and or back. I feel good. Burpees felt fast.


Dl 95
Kb goblet squat 55
Stoh 95
Bar face burpee

R1: 2:10 ub
R2: 2:07 ub
R3: 2:10 ub
R4: 1:47 ub

Friday, September 5, 2014


CS Activation
A. 3"" Deficit Deadlfit - 5 TOUGH TnG reps every 90sec for 6 sets

Didn't do this cuz my low back/SIJ is hurting and I'm hoping to be able to do tomorrows workout.

B. Muscle-up - UB reps for time; rest 4min x2

R1: 1:21
5 rest 10, 4 rest 10, 3 rest 3-5, 2 drop, 1
R2: 1:29
I tried to rest less and it didn't work, struggled more on press out and rings were swinging a lot more.

C. CG Bench Press - 5 x 5; rest 2min (heavy across)

Didn't get to this cuz I had to meet Kate for an appointment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


IS Strength
A. BB Bnk Split Jerk - 10 moderate singles; rest as needed

185x3, 205x3, 215x2, 225x2
These felt good, no misses. Pressed out last rep.

B. HB Back Squat - build to tough single; rest as needed

185, 225, 245, 275, 295
295 was tough, had to push through that sticky midpoint. Lost form coming out of bottom 

20 UB DB Thrusters @ 45# ea hand
30 Pull-ups

Time: 1:33 all ub

Rest 2min
15 UB DB Thrusters @ 55# ea hand
20 CTB Pull-ups

Time: 2:40
Thrusters 7,4,4. Couldn't stay on heels. C2b ub.

Rest 2min
10 UB DB Thrusters @ 65# ea hand
10 Bar Muscle-ups

Time: 5:25
Thruster 3,3,2,2 heels. BMU 5,2,2,1

Tough! Ankle mobility

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


10min Airdyne @ Z1
5min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Snatches @ 75#
10 Burpees

R1: 4+7 snatch all ub
R2: 3+8 burpee all ub

10min Airdyne @ Z1
5min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Deadlift @ 155#
10 Box Jumps @ 24""

R1: 6+1 dl, rebound all
R2: 5+3 dl, jump up step down all

(60min of continuous movement)

This was tough and hot! No shoulder/neck pain. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Labor Day WOD

Hotshots 19 ~ In Memory of the nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team who tragically lost their lives on June 30, 2013, while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona.


Warm-up (8 min cap)

- Foam Roll Calves and IT Band - 1 minute per leg

- Ankle Dorsiflexion Stretch - 30 sec per ankle

- Ankle Taps / Bounding / Butt Kicks

- SuperFront Rack and Banded Lat Stretch - 30s per side

- Oly Wall Squat - 30 sec hold + 15 Air Squat

- 400m Jog


Skill - All Levels (8 min cap)

Power Clean Complex (moderate load)

2 sets: Clean Grip Deadlift x 2 + Hang Power Clean x 2 + Power Clean x 2 / rest 90s

Wod - 14:00 cap

3 rounds

Air Squat x 30

Power Clean x 19 (95/65) Level 3 (135/85)

Strict Pull-up x 7

400m Run

Time: 14:58

Had 200m left at the cap

All air squat ub

Cleans were 10,5,4 then 6,5,4,4 

Pull ups 3,3,1 twice then 2,2,2,1

Runs = hot

CP battery limiter