Saturday, November 22, 2014

11-22-14 Superfit 2014

Wod 1
3 powercleans 135
Ascending front squats at 135 in 3s

We got 19 reps into 27 set.

Wod 2
7 min cap
50 kb snatch 53#
50 pistols
50 kb snatch
50 c2b

Time: 5:52
I hit 25 ub c2b to start set

Wod 3
9 min amrap
10 dl 185
20 BJ 30"
30 DUs

R: 6+24
I did all the dl and 1/2 the BJ.

Overall happy with performance given this stuff hasn't been the focus.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A. Squat Clean & Jerk - 7 singles; rest as needed (target is 200+ across)

205x3, 215x2, 225, 235

Good work. Split form wasn't great on last 2.

B. Strict Pull-up - 50 reps in fewest sets possible...7min time cap

Time: 5:48


Guess I should've gone for 10 sets of 5.

For time:
8 BF Burpees
6 Front Squats @ 135#
4 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Thrusters 
Rest 4min

R1: 1:30
R2: 1:10 ub
R3: 1:10 with a no rep on 2nd hang squat clean (so I did an extra)
R4: 1:06 ub


Tuesday, November 18, 2014


A. 120' HS walk for time (3 laps of turf on short side)

Would walk a big chunk and then last 8 feet would take 3 tries. My control is light years better.

Deadlift @ 225#
HSPU (any-way)

Time: 5:46

Ub dl
Hspu 11,10 then 8,7 then 5,4

I'm very happy with this. Hspu felt amazing with kip after all the strict web been doing. About 1:30 in rest at least between hspu.

Core Circuit from Nov-11 (as much as you can get in)    

Monday, November 17, 2014


A. HB Back Squat @10x1 - 5,3,1; rest as needed (build to VERY tough)

5 at 275
3 at 285
1 at 305

Felt stronger this week than 2 weeks ago for sure

B. Muscle-up - 6 UB reps on the min for 7min (set ends if you fail)

Hit 5 full rounds, couldn't press out of 5th rep on 6th round

20sec AMRAP TnG Power Snatch @ 115#
20sec AMRAP Burpees
20sec AMRAP DU
30sec AD @ 100% AEROBIC effort
Rest 4min

R1: 8,9,27,12 (only did 20sec ad by accident)
R2: 8,9,18(hit bucket), 16
R3: 8,8,15,14
R4: 8,8,15,12

Definite drop in power each round. Sitting for 3 days straight isn't good for you. DUs were better.