Feedback on workouts:
Feedback on workouts:
This blog is dedicated to spreading the news and knowledge of true Wellness. I hope to bring new and fresh perspectives to my readers on what true health is and how you achieve it. I hope to show you that you and you alone are responsible and accountable for your health and quality of life.
Friday 130628
EMOM for 20min
Odd - 3 Squat Clean & Push Jerk @ 65%
Even - 5 Deficit HSPU (4")
Blue plate deficit. Did 1st set strict then all kipping rest of way.
This was a very challenging EMOM. I did 10 rounds then had to break 5 min to take care of Reece and then did then 2nd 10 rounds
EMOM for 20min
Odd - 3 Squat Snatch @ 65%
125 was my weight. I did 1st set and failed all 3 so dropped to 95. That was easy. 2 sets there the 3 at 115, then 5 at 125. Should've done all 10 at 125. This wasn't a problem after that initial set and I had the mobility in place. Did 5 sets of 3 MU and then 5 sets of 5. Should've done all 5s.
Even - 3-5 Muscle-ups
Thursday 130627
A1. Front Squat - 8,8,6,6; rest 60sec (build to heavy)
165, 185, 205, 225(3,3)
A2. RDL - 6,6,6,6; rest 2min (build to heavy)
205, 225, 245, 265
B. Back Squat - 2 x AMRAP UB @ 90% of heaviest from Monday; rest 3min
205 for 20, 10. Prob had 2 more in me on 2nd set but wanted to stop before a neck strain
C. T2B - 3 x AMRAP UB minus 3; rest 60sec (stop ~3 reps shy of failure)
25, 15, 10
Airdyne 19 min z1
Airdyne - 5 x 20sec for max cals; rest 3min
25, 21, 19, 20, 20
Tuesday 130624
A1. Kipping HSPU - 3 x 5.5.5 for time; rest 60sec
A2. Kipping C2B Pull-up - 3 x for time; rest 60sec
A3. Ring Dip - 3 x AMRAP; rest 3min
25 time: 4:33, 23 time: 4:27, 15 time: 4:30 (Kyle had me demo c2b before my dips after I rested a min so my dips suffered on last set cuz I didn't rest another min after demo)
Overall this piece was a great shoulder pump. Hspu were good til last 5 of last set, fell off the wall once and was slower w each rep. C2b for all sets were UB and easy for first 3 clusters, on 4th I would lose kipping rhythm and go from Buttertard to just straight Tard.
No rest
Row - 10min @ Z1
2500/7.85= 318.5m
10 Rounds of:
Row - 60sec @ 85%
Row - 60sec @ 50%
Row - 10min @ Z1
Total: 34.33•318.5= 10,934m