Saturday, June 29, 2013


Posted on
Saturday 130629
2 x 10min AMRAP; rest 5min b/t
5 Deadlift @ 225
5 Box Jump @ 30"
200m RuN
R1: 7+2 
R2: 6+5+5+100m
Back to back nights of 6hrs of sleep.
Low back hurt 2/3 way through rd 1. Running uphill was worst part. See post wod video.

Feedback on workouts:

Deadlift - you did a good job of keeping your head neutral. I recommend a wider grip and wider stance in order to reduce the distance you have to travel and decrease lower lumbar involvement. Pacing may have been too fast on first set of each round, pause at the top when you're in a bony support position and get a good breath at the top (inhale or exhale doesn't matter whatever fits your rhythm)

Box Jump - not rebounding on this piece was a good choice, just make sure that you are occasionally practicing rebounding 24-30in box jumps ~2 times each week to maintain Achilles strength and rhythm. Try driving your arms more on the up swing. Again pacing was too fast on the first set of each round.

With 2 x 10min pieces like this the goal is to match round times or round # as closely as possible. Your were pretty close, but I think with some better pacing on round 1 you probably could have matched identically or working a couple of reps. In the future when we do aerobic pieces like this I'd like to see you get round times for every round and do the best you can to match them. This will give you a TON of information regarding your ability to pace and how your body reacts to different pacing strategies.

CrossFit competition is basically a strategy game. How can I perform as well as possible while minimizing my energy expenditure within the limits of rules.

Only way to improve is to look a what you've done and identify limiting factors and eliminate them.

Overall I think this was a pretty good workout for you. Lets get geared up for tomorrow.

Round 1
Set 1 - 1:13
Set 2 - 1:20
Set 3 - 1:21

Friday, June 28, 2013


Friday 130628

EMOM for 20min

Odd - 3 Squat Clean & Push Jerk @ 65%


Even - 5 Deficit HSPU (4")

Blue plate deficit. Did 1st set strict then all kipping rest of way.

This was a very challenging EMOM. I did 10 rounds then had to break 5 min to take care of Reece and then did then 2nd 10 rounds


EMOM for 20min

Odd - 3 Squat Snatch @ 65%

125 was my weight. I did 1st set and failed all 3 so dropped to 95. That was easy. 2 sets there the 3 at 115, then 5 at 125. Should've done all 10 at 125. This wasn't a problem after that initial set and I had the mobility in place. Did 5 sets of 3 MU and then 5 sets of 5. Should've done all 5s.

Even - 3-5 Muscle-ups

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Thursday 130627

A1. Front Squat - 8,8,6,6; rest 60sec (build to heavy)

165, 185, 205, 225(3,3)

A2. RDL - 6,6,6,6; rest 2min (build to heavy)

205, 225, 245, 265

B. Back Squat - 2 x AMRAP UB @ 90% of heaviest from Monday; rest 3min

205 for 20, 10. Prob had 2 more in me on 2nd set but wanted to stop before a neck strain

C. T2B - 3 x AMRAP UB minus 3; rest 60sec (stop ~3 reps shy of failure)

25, 15, 10


Airdyne 19 min z1

Airdyne - 5 x 20sec for max cals; rest 3min

25, 21, 19, 20, 20

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Tuesday 130624

A1. Kipping HSPU - 3 x 5.5.5 for time; rest 60sec

A2. Kipping C2B Pull-up - 3 x for time; rest 60sec

A3. Ring Dip - 3 x AMRAP; rest 3min

25 time: 4:33, 23 time: 4:27, 15 time: 4:30 (Kyle had me demo c2b before my dips after I rested a min so my dips suffered on last set cuz I didn't rest another min after demo)

Overall this piece was a great shoulder pump. Hspu were good til last 5 of last set, fell off the wall once and was slower w each rep. C2b for all sets were UB and easy for first 3 clusters, on 4th I would lose kipping rhythm and go from Buttertard to just straight Tard.


No rest

Row - 10min @ Z1

2500/7.85= 318.5m


10 Rounds of:

Row - 60sec @ 85%

Row - 60sec @ 50%



Row - 10min @ Z1

Total: 34.33•318.5= 10,934m


Monday, June 24, 2013


A. Back Squat - 4 x 8; rest 2min (all sets at working weight, heavier than last week)


B1. BB Walking Lunge - 4 x 20 steps; rest 60sec


B2. Good Morning - 4 x 6; rest 2min (heavier than last week)


C. Hanging Knee Raise - 4 x 10; rest 60sec


Butcher - 5 x 15m Sprint; rest 3min (start @ BW, add 20# each set)

200 in :05, 220 in :05, 240 in :05, 260 in :06, 280 in :06

Airdyne - 15min @ Z1
217 cal, 197 avg watts