Friday, June 21, 2024


Partner WOD


100 cal ski

100 Box Jump Overs 24"/20

100 Wallball 20#/14

400m Sandbag Carry out front 100#

100 HSPU

100 DB Snatch 50#/35

100 cal bike

Time: 29:26

Partner: Azaria 

We were 2nd behind Gary and Kalyn until the HSPU, then we fell to 3rd or 4th. We stayed steady on KB snatch. I thought they felt harder than they did in the Open. I didn't realize until afterward when I was cleaning the DB that Azaria gave me a 60#, not fifty. So I did 50 reps with the 60# as sets of 10.

On the bike we caught and passed Tommy and Brantley and JB and Ashley. We were 2nd overall.


Build to a heavy 5






Deadhang for 1 minute

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



6 rounds for time

400m run

19 Dbl DB Hang Squat Clean 50#

18 Burpees

65 Russian Twists

Time: 48:27

I subbed laying lateral heel touches for russian twists, I'm not doing that to my sacrum/low back.

All HPC 10-5-4

Runs steady 1:45-2:00

Burpees unbroken

Heel touches 35-30. Right and left heel was 1 rep.

Goal was sub-48. Almost hit it. Had ample opportunity if I didn't take so much time between HPC sets.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Press Technique

2 rounds
3 Press Balance at 33% max - 75#
3 Strict Split Press - 75#
30 sec overhead hold

Split Jerk

Every min for 24 min
Handstand walk 50ft
21 cal row
12 strict hspu
21 t2b
Hs walk 50ft
rest 1 min

I made it on all the hs walks except the 2nd walk of the last 2 sets I made 30ft
All rows no problem, about 45 sec.
I scaled the hspu to a goal of 5. I hit 5, 5, 3, 4. I had time to hit 5 on the last set but bitched out.
T2b were 11-10, 11-5-5, 11-3-3-1, 11-3-3.

15min z2 bike
59 avg rpm
160 cals