Saturday, September 20, 2014


IS Strength
100 Back Squats @ 155# 
50 muscle ups 
100 double unders 
50 toes to bar 
100 Box Jumps @ 24"" (step-down)

Squats in 9:56 in 15,10,5s
Mu in 11:52 in 10,5s thru 25, 3s thru 45, 2,1,1,1
DUs in 3:30
T2b in 5:00 in 6,4, 5s
BJ ub in 6;28

Total: 36:28

Kyle: 28:11
Preston: 31:09
Jason: 37:44

Friday, September 19, 2014


CS Activation
For time: (set up three different barbells to lower transition time) 
15 power clean and jerk 135# 
10 power clean and jerk 155# 
5 power clean and jerk 185# 
rest exactly 2 min after completion 
100 calories airdyne for time 

Goal was 5 every 20 thru 155 and time of sub 3. Hit it thru 135, then 2 then singles at 155, singles 185. Finished 155 at 2:30, finished 185 at 3:40.

Airdyne took 4:20.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


10min Airdyne @ Z1

151 avg watts
116 cals

Airdyne - 30sec @ 85% effort
Airdyne - 30sec @ 50% effort

274 avg watts 
 398 cals
Held over 400 on 85% sets for all but 5-6 sets in the middle 

10min Aircyne @ Z1

122 avg watts
96 cals

Mobility w/ remaining time

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


IS Strength
A. Hng Power Clean - build to tough triple; rest as needed

Pretty ugly

B. TnG Deadlift - build to tough 5; rest as needed

Low end goal was 365, high end was 385.

I hit 400 and may have been able to hit 410. Never done 4+ for reps before. I'm pumped! 

7 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlift @ 185#
15 Wallball @ 20# to 10’

Time: 9:36
All ub. Breath breaks between sets.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


10min Airdyne @ Z1

R1: 194 avg w, 141 cals
R2: 129 avg w, 105 cals
5min AMRAP @ 90%
10 CJ @ 95#
30 Double-unders

R1: 3+10+3
R2: 3+7 CJ
10min Airdyne @ Z1

R1: stuck on bike wo computer
R2: 113 aw, 94 cals
5min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Deadlift @ 155#
10 BF Burpees
(60min of continuous movement)

R1: 4+3dl
R2: 4+5dl

This kind of work makes me so sweaty. Like u were Saturday.

Monday, September 15, 2014


CS Activation
A. Squat Snatch - in 5-6 sets build to tough TnG double; rest as needed

Missed 175 2x

B. HB Back Squat - 3 x 3; rest 2min (increase load from Sep-7)


C. GH Raise - 3 x 4-5; rest 90sec (increase ROM)

Better ROM this week

2014 WODapalooza Qualifer #2
Snatch @ 155#
*7min time cap

Time: 7:00+

This is heavy for that many reps. Took 3:45 and 14 pulls to get 12 reps. MU were 6,6. Finished at 5:05. Got 1 rep on 3 pulls into 9 snatches. Stopped at 7 min. No point, didn't want to get hurt.