Friday, May 12, 2017


1. Warm-up
4 Steady Rounds:
12 Wallballs 20/14lbs
8 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
12 Calorie Row

2. Met-Con
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs
20 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

R: 3+2 GHD 

Wallball were 40, 20-20, 20-20, 20-11-9

GHD 20, 20, 10-10, 2

Hspu strict as 6-4, 5 then kip rest as 5, 10


1. Warm-up
Move Steady Through
Run 400m
30 BB Good Mornings
Run 400m

2. Met-Con
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Overhead Squats 135/95lbs

Time: 20:48

C2b 21, 9-9, 8-7, 7-5, 5-4

OHS 9-8-4, 9-9, 8-7, 8-4, 4-5

Had 6 missed snatches into OHS. That's what killed my time, I couldn't snatch it anymore. Should've clean and jerked it.

3. Lift
Back Squat 4×4 @75-85%
Click HERE for a few squat tips.

225 across

4. Gymnastics
:30 on :30 off
For 10 Minutes
Max Rep Push Ups

Total: 119


Thursday, May 11, 2017


4. Conditioning
55 Calorie Row
55 Thrusters (95/65)
55 Pull-ups

Total: 11 hspu

Row in 2:42
Thrusters as 11s finished with 5:15 left
Pull ups as 14,14,14,13
Hspu 10-1

Monday, May 8, 2017


1. Warm-up
3 Rounds
:60 Goblet Squat Hold
Run 200m
7 Burpee Box Jumps

2. Conditioning
AMRAP 20 Minutes
9 Squat Cleans 155/105lbs
12 Toes to Bar
15/10 Calorie Row

R: 5

Sq cleans as 3-3-3, then singles
Rest ub