5k z1 row
Time: 20:26
2:02.6 pace
This blog is dedicated to spreading the news and knowledge of true Wellness. I hope to bring new and fresh perspectives to my readers on what true health is and how you achieve it. I hope to show you that you and you alone are responsible and accountable for your health and quality of life.
3. Metcon – For Time
Hang Clean and Jerk 135/95lbs
Toes to Bar
Lateral Bar Burpees
Time: 11:46
C&J as 11-5-5, 5-5-5, 3-3-3
T2b as 11-10, 8-7, 9
Burpees u
2. Lift – For Weight
Back Squat
4×5 @75%
Metcon – For Time
3 Rounds
500m Ski
21 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
21 Bar Facing Burpees
Time: 16:02 ub
2. Lift – For Weight
Front Squat
5×3 @80%
5. Gymnastics – For Time
“Tommy V”
21 Thrusters 115/75lbs
12 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
Time: 12:57
Thrusters 21, 8-7, 9.