Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Thunder bros leg day    

Warm up

3 rounds

10 banded single leg box step ups, 24" w/my green band


15 DB sumo RDL with red band around hips pulling backward, 50#

Front squat, 3 sec negative with 1 sec pause at bottom

15 at 95

12 at 115

10 at 135

8 at 165

Cluster set at 115 of 5 sets of 7 reps with 15 sec between sets

BB backward lunge returns, building, 2 second negative

8 each leg




Deficit DB Sumo Squat Drop Set

Hold in the bottom for 15 seconds on the 10th rep of each set

3 sets

10 reps 50#


10 reps 35#


10 reps 20#


Partner WOD

For time:

100 cal bike buy-in

100 wallball 20#

80 t2b

80 hang powerclean 135#

60 burpees

60 deadlift 135#

40 hspu

40 kbs 53#

20 thrusters 135#

200 ft handstand walk

100 cal bike buy-out

Time: 30:21

Gary was my partner. We could've been sub-30 if my hs walks weren't so choppy. He did his 100 ft unbroken.

1st bike I avg 85 rpm, we rode 10 cals at a time. 

WB felt amazing, like the ball was 2 lbs. We did 15s.

HPC were hard, sets of 5.

T2b were sets of 10

burpees as 5s

DL as 6s

hspu I did 10, 5, 1 and Gary had to hit my last 4.

KBS 10 an 10

Thrusters were 2 sets of 3 for me, which I was happy with.

We won by a few minutes.

15 min z2 bike

47 avg rpm

cals 76

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Every minute for 5 min

10 sec max cal bike

Total: 51 cals

4 rounds

90 sec on, 3:30 rest

9 cal bike

12 Bar facing burpees

Max sandbag to the shoulder, 150#

Total: 16, as 5, 4, 5, 2

JB and I rotated rounds using the Dball and the sandbag. The 5s were the dball, the 4, 2 were the sandbag, that's way harder. My reps with the sandbag were questionable.

Squat clean






The 225 took me 4 attempts to hit 2 as miss, hit, miss, hit.

Kettlebell halos

10 each way with 35#

Mace 360

These were tough. I hit my scaps a lot. This is my first time attempting it. I need to watch more technique videos. If I choke up I do better.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 S2o complex

1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk





185 felt smooth

205 failed the push press

4 rounds

5 min amrap, rest 90 sec

100 DUs

50 ft handstand walk

25 t2b

10 strict hspu

3 rope climbs

I never got through strict hspu. Rounds were 6, 5, 4, 4. I missed a 5th attempt on the 3rd round.

DUs were great. Broke 4x the first set but then did 3 sets of 100 unbroken.

T2b were 13-12, 13-6-3-3, 10-5-5-5, 10-5-5-5.

Hs walks were choppy.

15min z2 bike

58 avg rpm

168 cals

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Thunder bros leg day


3 rounds

20 jumping squats 


10 banded box step ups per leg, green band

Back squat

12 light

10 moderate

8 moderate-heavy

6 heavy

rest 2 min

20 rep max (65-75% of max)

Weights were 135, 165, 185 205, 225, 205

3 sets

10 BB hip thrusts with 3 sec negative and 1 sec at top


20 seated banded hip abduction, red band looped 2x

10 booty band steps in all 4 directions

Weights - 95, 115, 135

4 rounds

10 Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats each leg, 3 second negative, 1 sec at bottom


Used 45# for deficit for front foot


low plank oblique tucks