Saturday, February 2, 2013


A. Snatch - 5 x 1 (85%) 175
B. Clean & Jerk - 3 x 1 (85%) 225
Complete each couplet then move on to the next WITHOUT REST
3 Rounds of:
6 Squat Cleans @ 205
6 Muscle-ups
Time: 11:20
3 Rounds of:
21 KB Swings @ 70
21 T2B
30m Farmers Carry (100# each hand, use DB, KB, or Farmers Carry)
28 Burpee box overs @ 24"
30m Farmers Carry (100# each hand, use DB, KB, or Farmers Carry)
3 Muscle-ups

Total time: 25:20

Friday, February 1, 2013

2/1/13 PM

C. HSPU – 3 x 2min for max reps; rest 2min btw rounds - 30,24,18
D. Double-unders – 3 x 2min for max reps; rest 2min btw rounds - 147,148,132
AMRAP for 8min
2 Wall Ball @ 30# to 10’
2 Burpees
4 Wall Ball @ 30# to 10’
4 Burpees
6 Wall Ball @ 30# to 10’
6 Burpees
8 ...
8 …
Rounds: 3 wallball into 18

2/1/13 AM

A. Jerk Drills – 5 x 5 (light)
B. Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 (80%) 205
C. Snatch – 5 x 1 (80%) 165
D. Front Squat – 2 x 5, 2 x 3, 2 x 1 (work to heavy) 185, 205, 215, 225, 245, 265(fail)

5 Rounds of:
6 KB Swings @ 90#
1 Rope Ascent
Rest 1min between rounds
Time: 6:27

5 Rounds of:
6 C2B Pull-ups
15m Butcher Push @ Bodyweight
Rest 1min between rounds
Time: 16,16,17,16,15

Airdyne 5 x 15sec for max calories; rest 1:00 between each effort

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


A. Jerk Drills - Split Press 5 x 5 (light), Jerk Balance 5 x 5 (light)

B. Rack Jerk - 3 x (1 x 1 @70%, 1 x 1 @75%, 1 x 1 @80%)
175, 185, 195

C1. Weighted Pull-ups 6 x 5 tough reps; rest 1min

C2. Toes-to-bar 6 x 12 unbroken reps; rest 1min
5 Rounds for time of:
250m Row
6 Bar Muscle-ups
9 Burpee Box Overs @ 30”
12 KB Thrusters @ 53# each hand
20cal Airdyne
Rest 5min btw rounds
R1: 3:31 (4:01 cuz we switched to 35# KBS)
R2: 4:50
R3: 3:21 (switched to 4,5,6 reps)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/13 PM

5 min airdyne z1

8 Rounds of:
12 HSPU AFAP; rest 20sec
40sec Double-unders; rest 2min

17 min nonstop skill work

1/29/13 AM

A. Jerk Drills – Split Press 5 x 5 (light) 95
Jerk Balance 5 x 5 (light) 95

B. Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 (80% of 1RM)

C. Snatch – 5 x 1 (80% of 1RM)

D. Snatch Grip Dead-lift – 3 x 2 (100% of 1RM); use straps (WoW Only)

Run 1mi @ 85% effort (faster than Z1)
Ran "800" course 2x in 5:23

Rest 2min

5 Rounds for time of:
200m Run (out and back)
25 UB Wall Ball – 24# to 10’
Time: 11:23 (all UB)
Rest 2min

Run 1mi @ FASTER THAN 1st MILE
Ran "800" course 2x for 6:52

Monday, January 28, 2013


Active Recovery

WoW -
15min Airdyne
15-20min Empty Barbell "play"
30min Intensive Mobility