Saturday, January 10, 2015


A. Deadlift - 5 TnG reps on the min for 6min (275-315# across)

275, 295, 315 for 2 sets each

B. KB Swing - 3x 20 UB reps @ 2pood; rest to full-recovery

No prob

C. GHD Back Extension - 3x 15; rest 90sec (heavy)

25, 35, 45

45 Double-unders
20cals AD
45 Double-unders
Rest 5min

R1: 1:50
Did 39 first round then broke 3x 2nd

R2: 1:57
Broke 2x first and 4x second

R3: 1:57
Broke 1x first an was on pace to kill it but broke 4x

This was good work on DUs. It's not the rope.

Friday, January 9, 2015


A. Push Press x3 + Push Jerk x3 - 1 complex @ 135# on the min for 10min

Yes. Heels and butt back focus

B. Squat Clean x1 + Hng Squat Clean x2 + Front Squat x3 - 1 set on the min for 10min (start at 135# and build)

135x3, 145x2, 155x3, 165x2
This was good work. Quads. Gotta focus on heels and elbows up.

30sec Sled Push @ body-weight w/ high turn-over
90sec AMRAP CTB Pull-ups
Rest 5min

R1: down back 2x, 27 as 10,8,6,3
R2: down back 2x, 25 as 5 every 15 thru 60s then 3,2
R3: down back down 1/2 back, 18 as 5,5,5,1,2. R shoulder/neck tightened up
R4: down back x2, 23 as 5,5,5,5,3

Tough to get in bar after that

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


10min AMRAP
500m Row
50 Double-unders
30cals AD
15 Box Jumps @ 24"
Rest 3min
x3 @ 80-85-90% effort by round

R1: 1+13 cal ad
DUs were terrible, not cuz breathing, just bad.
Avg hr 142, max 163/min 87, cal 167, rec 47

R2: 2+18m
Only broke 1x on first DUs then 2x on 2nd.
Avg hr 165, max 173/min 157, cal 187, rec 42

R3: 1+25cal
DUs suck when can't breathe. BJ bad too. Felt hamstrings from yesterday's DL.
Avg hr 163, max 171/min 118, cal 212, rec 47

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


7 Rounds for time:
5 Deadlift @ 275#

Time: 5:57
All ub. Was happy with my performance here. Only pause was couple breaths before dl each time.

Avg hr 160, max 179/min 127, cals 123, recovery 43 beats in 2 min

20sec Pull-ups
10sec Rest
20sec Russian KB Swings @ 2pood
10sec Rest    

R1: 18, 11
R2: 15, 10
R3: 12, 10
R4: 10, 11

I haven't done normal pull ups in so long, just butterfly c2b. Rhythm was so jacked. Those are decent numbers tho

Monday, January 5, 2015


A. Squat Snatch - 5 x 1.1; rest as needed (hold OH for 2sec, heavy across)

Did the peak method of clusters using HR monitor. Hit rep, then wait til peak hr drops 10 beats before hitting next.

155, first 10 point drop took 12 sec, 2nd took about 30. You said adjust to 5 beats next.

155, 16s then 20s with 5 beats

165, 7s then 16s

175, 23 and 20s

175, 10s then 3 misses

B. Hng Snatch High Pulls - 5 x 3; rest as needed (heavy across, use straps)

185x2, 205x3
205 got heavy

C. HB Back Squat w/ Chains - 4 x 2; rest 2min (target is 300-305# TOTAL)

245 plus chains

Sled Push - 4 x 60sec for max distance @ moderate load w/ high-turnover; rest 6-8min (do this outside)  

Out of time