Saturday, May 11, 2013


Saturday 130511 @ 11:00am


10 min z1 airdyne


2 Rounds of:

10 Squats

10 Push-ups

10 Sit-ups


MAP7, seperate into group A,B,C; rest 3min B/T each
A. 10min AMRAP of:

10 KB Swings @ 62# 

10 Burpees

R: 9+10+1/2 a burpee


B. 10min Row for MAX DISTANCE (sub Airdyne if not enough rowers)

2528m (1:58.7 pace)


C. 10min AMRAP of:

10 Slamball

10 T2B 

R: 9+3

10 min z1 airdyne

Friday, May 10, 2013


Friday 130510

EMOM for 6min

Odd - 5-7 SL DB Deadlift right + 3-7 Strict HSPU

All 7s for DL 50#

Even - 5-7 SL DB Deadlift left + 3-7 Strict HSPU

All 7s DL 50#

Hspu: 7,7,5,4,3,3

(note: use a DB here, this will require greater ROM)


A. Deadlift - 7 x 4 @ 20x1; rest 2min

275x2, 295x3, 305x2

B. Weighted Dip - 7 x 4 @ 20x1; rest 90sec

88# all UB

Weighted ring dips - 4 x 4 @20x1

35, 53x3 sets

C. Power Snatch - 4 x 3 tough TnG reps; rest 60sec

135 for 2 sets, 155 for 2 sets


2 Rounds:

Row - 5min @ Z1

Airdyne - 5min @ Z1

Run - 5min @ Z1

Total work:

2538m row

100 cal airdyne

1.5 mile run

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Thursday 130509

2 Rounds for times:

3 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

5 Pistols each leg

20-30 Double-unders (UNBROKEN SETS ONLY)

Rest 60sec between rounds

R1: 1:51.2 (missed on first try of every bar muscle up, sucked at pistols), 25 dus

R2: 1:32.8, 30 DUs


16min EMOM

Odd - Front Squat - 4-6 tough reps

185 all sets, 6,6,6,6,4,6,6,4,4 (tough stuff. Did an extra set of 4 for the two sets that I didn't hit 6)

Even - Supine Grip Bent Row - 6-8 tough reps

175 all sets of 8 UB

+ rest no more than 2min

12min EMOM

Odd - BB Step-up - 6-8 tough reps (alternate legs each round)

135 for all sets of 8

Even - DB Chainsaw Row - 6-8 tough reps (alternate arms each round)

100# for sets of 8


Airdyne - 10min for Max Cal (300 FY)

216 cal, 312 avg watts

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today we're working on the longer-end of the aerobic spectrum. This is a test of the aerobic volume that we've put in over the past three weeks. Record total number of rounds.

A. Good Morning - 5 x 6-8 @ 22x1; rest 60sec
75#x8 all sets

B1. CG Incline Bench Press - 5 x 6-8; rest 10sec
185, 185, 185, 185, 185, all for 6

B2. Strict HSPU - 5 x 8-10 (or max UB if less than 8); rest 2min
8(5,3), 8(4x2), 8(3,2,2,1), 8(4,4), 8(1,2,2,1,1,1)


45min AMRAP

Run 800m

TGU - 10 total reps @ 44

Farmers Carry - 200m @ 35# plate each hand

Total: 4+800+10+100m

Monday, May 6, 2013


2 Rounds:
Muscle-up 3.3.3 rest 10-15sec b/t sets
All 3a

GHD Sit-up 8-12 reps

40” Box Jump (step down) 3-5 reps

A1. HB Back Squat - 5 x 5 @20x1; rest 30sec
235, 235, 235, 245, 245

A2. Sled Sprint - 5 x 10m (moderatley heavy); rest 3min

B1. Weighted Supine Grip Chin-up - 5 x 6-8; rest 30sec
62x6, 6, 6, 6, 6

B2. MB Slams - 5 x (25-30# slamball); rest 2min - these are for MAX POWER, stop and reset between every rep

7 Rounds of:
3 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
5 Burpees AFAP
100m Sprint @ 95%
Rest 2-3min by feel (round times should not drop off, stop if you fall off by more than 3sec)
R1: 41.8
R2: 40.8
R3: 41.7
R4: 41.9
R5: 41.8
R6: 41.6
R7: 40.9

Rested 2:25 first 3 sets, 3 min next 3