Friday, February 14, 2014

2/14/14 pm

20 Wallball
10 S2O @ 95#
10 C2B

Time: 25:02

Wanted 20 min. Held 1:48 for 3 rounds and then lost it. All sets 10,10 WB, 10 PP, 5,5 c2b.

2/14/14 am

Row - 15min @ Z1

Row - 15 x 100m @ 90-95% effort; rest 60sec

Did all between 15-16 sec.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


10min AMRAP
10 Power Snatches @ 95#
10 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
*target is 5+ rounds

R: 5+6

Did first round UB and then all 5,5 snatch. Low back tightened up at 3rd round. Was not keeping good setup position. Had to do step downs on last 2 rounds.

Monday, February 10, 2014

2/10/14 pm

Airdyne 20min for MAX CALS - 5 C2B on the top of every minute

Airdyne: 208 avg watts, 301 cal

Hr monitor: avg hr 165, peak 179/min 104, cals 433

All chest to bar were unbroken and done in 12 to 13 seconds.

2/10/14 am

A. Hng Squat Clean x3 + Front Squat x3 - 1 set on the 90sec for 10 sets (185+)

All 10 UB at 185. Last front squat got tough on last 3 sets

B. Pressing Snatch Balance - 3 x 5; rest 90sec (hold rock bottom for 2sec + 2sec overhead)

Bar, 65, 75. This was new. I like the movt though. Tried 95 and couldn't move it.

C. Squat Snatch - 5 x 5 TnG; rest 2:30 (hold rock bottom for 2sec + 2sec overhead)

95, 135, 145, 155, 165

4,1 on 155, 3,1,1 on 165. Lost out front.