Friday, November 4, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

40min cap
5 rounds
10 devils press 50s
20 cal row

Straight into

Dbl Db thrusters 50#
Cal bike

Straight into

50 box jump overs 24"
100 alt db snatch 50#
200 DUs
Split up reps however I want

Time: 40:00

Part 1: 16:30
Did DP as 10 then 4-3-3

Rested 2 min

Part 2: 17:05
All thrusters ub

Rested 2 min
Had 4 min left so did 50 t2b, 10 bjo, 25 DUs, 10 bjo, 70 DUs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

Front squat max
This was a struggle
Happy with it tho, first heavy squat since back injury.

3x5min amrap
100m run
3 box jump over 24"
5 wallball 20#

Rest 2min

Score: 137

rd1: 5 rounds and 12 sec left
rd2: 5 rounds plus 100m
rd3: 5 rounds plus 100m

felt good. consistent, never stopped

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


4 rounds
8cal bike
10 t2b

Rest 90sec

Time: 6:41

33, 34, 32, 32

27min clock
0-10 min
Run a mile
Max clean and jerk 135#

Rest 10-13

13-20 min
Run 800m
Max powerclean 115#

Rest 20-23

23-27 min
Run 400m
Max lateral burpees over bar

Total: 97

21 CJ
41 pC
35 burpees

Gary got me by 9 CJ, I beat him by 1 PC, we tied on burpees.

Kettlebell WOD A 

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Kettlebell WOD A

Partner WOD 
For time
50 wall walks
100 burpees box jump overs

Time: 16:25

Partner: JB

Did wall walks in alt sets of 2.
Bbjo in sets of 10