Thursday, February 20, 2014


A. Jerk - Build to tough single; rest as needed (doesn't need to be 1RM)

255 split jerk

B. Snatch - Build to 165; rest as needed

Snatch @ 165#
Bar FACING Burpee

Time: 19:07

This was tough. Especially on low back. I'm so pissed, I didn't want to have any misses and I missed the last rep of te set of 4 as my only miss. Damn it!

Lap breakdowns are below:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014



Hng Power Clean @ 135#
Rest 15min

Time: 4:59
R1: 13,8 and 7,7,7
R2: 5,5,5 and 5,4,4,2
R3: 4,5 and 2,2,1,4

This was a lot harder gripper than I thought it'd be. Didn't think I'd die on c2b that fast.

Deadlift @ 225#
HR Push-up
Rest 15min

Time:  3:10
UB on all. Holy pec insertion!

S2O @ 135#
Box Jump

Time: 6:45
R1: 12,7,2 and 21 with 5 rests at top
R2: 6,5,4 and 7,8
R: 5,4 an 9

This was slower than I wanted. Too many break on 21 BJ. Back didn't hurt after though.


Row - 30min @ Z1
Airdyne - 30min @ Z1

Did this today and will do today's tomorrow because I had the girls all day.

Monday, February 17, 2014

2/17/14 pm

A. Front Squat - 6 tough reps on the min for 10 sets (I don't want you hitting a sticking point...reps should be tough but you should be hitting bottom and driving right up)

165 UB all sets. I think this was the perfect weight. It was tough but I didn't stick, was close on the last rep of last 2 sets.

B. TnG Squat Snatch - 5 x 2.2.2; rest 10-15sec b/t clusters + 3min b/t sets

135, 145, 155, 165 (missed #3,5,6), 165 (missed #4)

This was tough. Focused on 3rd pull position

C. 2stop Clean Grip DL - 4 x 5-6; rest 2:30 (pause 2sec 1" off ground + 2sec above knee -- HEAVY, challenge your ability to hold good position)

315. This was new and different. Really made me focus on good setup each time I returned to the floor.

2/17/14 am

Airdyne - 10min @ Z1
Airdyne - 10x 30sec @ 85% / 30sec @ 50%
Airdyne - 10min @ Z1