Friday, October 18, 2013


15min AMRAP
400m Run
30 Wallball
15 Pull-ups
Rest 10min (20g carbs + 10g bcaa)

3+16 wallball

This felt better than I thought it would after last night. Did wb 15,15 all rounds except final did 16 to the whistle.

Avg hr 164, max 170/119, cals not sure it didn't record

500m Row
15 Thrusters @ 95#
15 T2B
15 Box Jumps @ 24”
Rest 10min (20g carbs + 10g bcaa)

2+7 t2b

This was as bad as anticipated. Started feeling low back on first set of t2b.  Ha to step down all box jumps.

Avg hr 162, max 175/122, cals 315

20cals Airdyne
5 Muscle-ups
20 Walking Lunge Steps @ 95#
20 Alt. DB Snatches @ 50#

2+20 lunge steps

This wasn't bad. Snatch we're worse part cuz low back fatigue. Forgot to start my watch on this one.

10/18/13 OC Throwdown Event 1

OC Throwdown Event 1

14 min amrap:
10 hand release burpee bar over
15 hand release deadlift 165#
20 wall ball 20#

Total: 230 (5+5 burpees)

This was a low back annihilator. Felt it from second set of DL on. Did 10,5 them all 5s on DL. Did all wall ball 10,10 until last 2 sets were 6,6,8 and 7,13.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


A. Squat Clean - quickly build to a single @ 185

B. Push Press - quickly build to a triple @ 135

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat - 2 sets of the complex @ 185
Even - 5 UB Muscle-ups

All UB in nanos

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 5 Thrusters @ 135
Even - 10 T2B UB

All UB in nanos

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


8x500m row at 1:38-1:39 pace

R1: 1:38.2
R2: 1:38.6
R3: 1:37.9
R4: 1:38.7
R5: 1:38.6
R6: 138.8
R7: 1:39.4
R8: 1:38.4

Oh my Quad!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


A. Front Squat - 3 Reps on the minute for 10 sets @ 200-215

215# UB, this felt great, no problem.

B. Bnk Push Press x 3 + Bnk Push Jerk x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 - 5 sets of the compelx; rest 3min (start w/ snatch grip, work your way to jerk grip)

155 for 3 sets, 175, 185. 185 I dropped 2nd push jerk

C1. Power Clean - 5 x 5 TnG Reps @ 165; rest 45sec


C2. Kipping Ring Dip - 5 x AMRAP in 30sec; rest 2min

26, 24, 19, 16, 14