Open 23.3
In 6 minutes complete
5 wall walks
50 DUs
15 powersnatch 95
5 wall walks
50 DUs
12 powersnatch 135
if you complete that, you have to the 9 minute mark to complete
20 strict hspu
50 DUs
8 powersnatch 185
Total: Finished 8 strict hspu
This is 2 reps less than in 2023. I had one missed rep. However, everything leading up to the shspu was smoother and felt better. My tiebreak time was 2:11. First snatch set was 8-7, then 135 was all quick singles. All DUs unbroken. Wall walks quick.
Partner WOD
50 Devil's Press 35#
100 T2B
150 Box Jump Over 24"
Split reps evenly. Does not have to be done straight through. Break up in a way that you can go fast. You go, I go.
Partner: Kate
We did 10 rounds of 5-10-15. Averaged 1:15 a round
Time: 12:38
I was all unbroken.
15 min z2 bike
58 rpm average
155 cals
5 rounds
100 ft sandbag carry
6 sandbag over the shoulder
100 ft sandbag carry
rest 2 min
Times: 1:27, 1:09, 0:55, 0:53, 0:50
I ran with the sandbag on sets 3-5.
Rested 2 min between sets