Friday, August 25, 2017


1. Warm-up
Steady Through
20 Empty Bar Overhead Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings 1.5
20 Burpees to 6″ Target

3. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @85%

185, 225 x 3 sets

2. Conditioning
For Time
25 GHD Sit Ups
15 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
20 GHD
15 Power Snatch
15 GHD
15 Power Snatch
10 GHD
15 Power Snatch

Time: 8:20
Snatch all 10-5. Ghd ub. Short transitions.

4. Bitch Work
7 Rounds:
Run 100m
Walk back to start slow for rest.

Got a hamstring quiver on the 5th rep and stopped.

5. Push ups
20 sets of 5

Time: 5:33

Thursday, August 24, 2017


100 front squats for time 95#

Did as an emom. Avg time was 24 sec

10min emom all same min:
5 deadlift 225
5 bar facing burpee

Finished all rounds in 28-30 sec

Monday, August 21, 2017



Score is total cals

4 min amrap
3 RDS:
10 wallball 25
10 t2b
Then row max cals
Cals: 39

Rest 3 min

4 min amrap
3 RDS:
9 wallball 25
9 t2b
Then row max cals
Cals: 29

4 min amrap
3 RDS:
8 wallball 25
8 t2b
Then row max cals
Cals: 17

Rest 3 min

4 min amrap
3 RDS:
7 wallball 25
7 t2b
Then row max cals
Cals: 29

Rest 3 min

Total cals: 114

Only breaks were on second and third set of 8 t2b as 5-3 and 4 then 4 singles