Thursday, September 27, 2012


1a. Clean & Split Jerk - 5 x 3 (~70-80%) - 185,190,195,200,205

2a. Clean Pull - 4 x 4 (~70-80%) - 235x2, 255x2

As a superset: Rest 30 seconds between squats and jumps, 90 seconds between jumps and squats
[3a. Chain Front Squat - 4 x 2 (moderate; fast - explode out of bottom) 1 chain each
135x2, 185x2

[3b. Double Broad Jump - 4 x 1
16'9", 17", 16'10", 16'10"

Note: Each set of double broad jumps consists of two jumps, the second jump IMMEDIATELY follows the first jump. Measure total distance covered by both jumps.

4a. GHD Sit-up 3 x 8 (weighted) - 4lb ball throws w Preston

5a. Pistols - 22, 16, 10

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Part 1


1a. Power Snatch + Snatch – 6 x 1+1 (work from 65% to 75% in sets of 2)
120, 123, 130, 133, 135, 140

2a. Power Clean + Power Jerk – 5 x 1+1 (75%) - 190


3a. Banded Deadlift – 4 x 3 (moderate; fast) - 135 w Black bandsx2, 155x2 Black

[4a. Strict Press 4 x 5 (heavy) - 115, 135, 145, 150, 155

[4b. Pendlay Row – 4 x 5 (same as strict press)


8min Alternating EMOM:

3 Muscle-ups + AMRAP Double-unders
R1: 45
R2: 38
R3: 28
R4: 26

7 HSPU (2” deficit) + AMRAP Double-unders
R1: 17
R2: 12
R3: 16
R4: 0 (7hspu)

(if you fail to complete a round, rest one minute and continue)

Monday, September 24, 2012

9/24/12 PM

5a. GHD Sit-up + Wallball Throw – 3 x 5 (4#)

Part 2


5 Rounds of:

3 Bar Muscle-ups (sub 5 “sternum-to-bar” pull-ups -or- 5 Plyo Pull-ups)

6 Burpee Box Jumps @ 30”

12 KB Swings @ 79#

Time: 9:01

9/24/12 AM

Part 1


1a. Snatch - 5 x 3 (~70-80%) - 135, 145, 150(2), 150(2), 150

2a. Snatch pull - 4 x 4 (~70-80%) - 150


3a. HB Back Squat – 4 x 2 (work to heavy for the day) - 225, 275, 300(1)