1. Warm-up
Slow 10 Minute Row
Steady Through
10 Kipping Ring Dips
20 Box Step Ups
:60 Wallsit
2. Strength
Back Squat
3×3 @87.5%
Click HERE for some tips on bracing in your squat.
135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 all for 3.
Then working sets at 275 w belt.
3. Bitch Work
8 Rounds:
Ski 200m
Rest 2:00
R1: 38.1
R2: 37.5
R3: 37.1
R4: 36.5
R5: 37.0
R6: 37.4
R7: 37.2
R8: 37.8
After completing pieces 1-3, Please choose TWO of the following based on perceived weaknesses.
4. Conditioning
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Run 400m
24 Wallballs 20/14lbs
12 Handstand Push-Ups
3+7 wb
Totally gassed out with no sleep and no fuel since 7 am.