Friday, June 20, 2014


5 Rounds @ 65-70-75-80-85% effort
40 cals Airdyne
30 Russian KB Swings @ 53#
20 Burpees over bar
10 TTB
Rest 2min b/t sets
*record split time for each set

R1: 6:53
R2: 5:38
R3: 5:10
R4: 4:30
R5: 3:57

This was prob the best I've paced as Rx. Changing watts each time with kb reps and burpee sets.

Last set ub and 400 watts

Thursday, June 19, 2014

6/19/14 pm

100m 2arm 45# Plate Waiters Carry (ribs in)
5 Power Snatch @ 135# (fast singles)
100m 2arm KB Farmers Carry (2pood)
5 Thrusters @ 135# (POSITION!!!! VERTICAL TORSO!!!)
Rest 60sec

My snatches were awful for 2.5 rounds. Ten I felt that I wa pulling in parts instead of one fluid motion. It improves from there but still felt slow.
Position on thrusters felt great. It's bad when 135 thrusters feel better than snatch.

6/19/14 am

A. Jerk Grip Overhead Squat @22x1 - 5 x 3-4; rest 90sec (or narrowest position you can maintain)

Index at ring
75, 86, 97, 108, 119

Metal weights are kg

B. Pause Front Squat - 3 x 5-6; rest 3min (hold bottom for 2sec, mod load, vertical torso)

This felt great vertically

C. KB 2arm Front Squat Hold - 5 x AMSAP in bottom position; rest 90sec b/t

Couldn't do cuz worked out at home and don't have 2 of same kb

D. DB 2arm Seated Nutral Grip Press @31x3 - 4 x 8-10; rest 90sec (mod)

Sub 1/2 kneeling sa kb press cuz no db

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Mixed Z1 30-45min including:
GHD Sit-ups
Bottoms Up KB Carries
1arm KB Farmers Carries
Cyclical movements as needed to modulate HR
Mobility - 15min STRETCHING

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/17/14 pm

Odd - Airdyne @ hard effort
Even - AMRAP Double-unders in the minute

Cals: 26, 22, 25, 20, 21 = 114
Avg 351-379 watts

DUs: 70, 65, 67, 63, 74


EMOM for 24min
Min-1 - 7 Kipping HSPU (self-adjust this so that fatigue doesn't have you crashing on your neck)
Min-2 - 4 DB Snatches ea arm @ 65# (complete all reps on weaker arm first then stronger)
Min-3 - 5 Burpee Box Jumps @ 30""

All hspu were 7 ub
All rest was ub

6/17/14 am

A. Snatch Grip Bnk Push Press from blocks - 4 x 3; rest 2min (heavy across, drop & reset every rep)

On 4th set tried 215, got 2 out of 5 reps.

B. Snatch DL @30x1 - 3 TnG reps on the min for 10min @ 100% of snatch 1RM

Def felt low back being worked.

C. Sotts Press - 6 x 3-5; rest 90sec (mod-load, vertical torso/position focus, move hands in each set)

Did bar first set then 65# for rest. This is tough! First time ever doing it. Couldn't keep my heels flat or the presses. Controlling it back down to shoulder was real hard. Moved grip in to between close grip and normal grip.

Monday, June 16, 2014


A. KB Goblet Squat 44x1 - 6 x 10; rest 2min (heaviest possible)

Never done this before so stayed same weight. Was good work doing the tempo. Felt low traps, pecs, and L5.

B. BB Kang Squat - 5 x 5-6; rest 2min (mod, hold bottom 2sec)

Did kang then squat on last 2 sets. Good work getting to full ROM.

EMOM For 20min
Odd - 4-6 2arm DB Thrusters, hold bottom for 2sec & overhead for 2sec
Even - 10 UB CTB Pull-ups

All ub. Focused on full squat ROM on thrusters. Did 5 reps with 35# db each arm.