Friday, August 16, 2013


Saturday Aug-18

14min AMRAP

200m Run

7 Power Cleans @ 135

Rest 5min

R: 9+100m, all cleans UB


14min AMRAP

250m Row

7 Knees-to-elbows

10 Russian Step-ups

Rest 5min

R: 7+113m, all UB


14mn AMRAP

15 Cals Airdyne

30 Double-unders

R: 10+10cals, 7 sets DUs UB

These all felt great. Love the airdyne/DUs couplet


The Accelerate Athletics blog should now be working, please record your workouts using this blog.

Fri Aug-16


Choice Cyclical - 25min @ Z1


Mobility - 20min



For time (25min Time Cap)

100 Pull-ups

100 KB Swings @ 53#

100 Double-unders

100 Overhead Squats @ 95#

Total: finished 80 OHS

Pull-ups did 5 every 20 sec = 6:26

KBS did 15,10,15,10... = 6:11

DUs did 25s = 2:37

OHS did 10 then 5s with 15sec rest, did 80 in 9:45

I felt great on this. I think I could finish before the cap if I did it again. I had 14 sec of rest every set of pull ups and that was plenty. If I shortened that rest a bit and was more efficient on DUs I think I'd have enough time to finish. Legs felt great on OHS, I prob should've done sets of 7 instead of 5.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Competitor WOD 

12min AMRAP

6 Snatches @ 115/70

8 T2B

10 Burpees

R: 7+5 snatch

I felt great on this. After talking with Kyle and Brenden I paced for about 1:40. Did 2 snatch, dropped for 5 count, them 2 more...did all t2b UB and all Burpees UB at 4 sec pace. Did 7th round all UB.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Tue Aug-13

2 x

3min AMRAP

70m Shuttle (build to building)

5 Burpees

Rest 2min

R1: 5 with 10 sec left

R2: 5 w 8 sec


Airdyne 3min

Rest 2min

R1: 303 avg watts, 63 cals

R2: 304 avg, 63 cals


3min AMRAP

70m Shuttle

20 UB Double-unders (sub 40 UB singles if Double-unders are a bottleneck for you)

R1: 3+run+13

R2: 4+run

 Good stuff. My rope was too short for first round so I broke a ton. Lengthened it or 2nd and only broke 1x.


- All AMRAP’s are at 85%, if you tend to get “smoked” by this type of work start at 70%

- Your rep count on round #1 should be identical to round #2 - with the same perceived effort


Monday, August 12, 2013



Choice Cyclical - 25min @ Z1


Mobility - 20min



A. Squat Clean & Push Jerk - 20min technique work + build to heavy for the day

135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215, 225, 235

This is a 20# PR for push jerk. My split jerk needs work cuz it's only 10# more.

B. BB Front Rack Reverse Walking Lunge - 3 x 20 steps; rest 2-3min (heavy)

95, never done these. This was a good movt

C. Perfect Position Strict HSPU - 30 reps not for time

All 3s til end then 2x2


EMOM for 14min

Odd - KB Swing - 8-12 tough reps

79 all 10s UB

Even - Push Jerk 8-12 tough reps

135 all 8s UB


EMOM for 14min

Odd - Rebounding box jumps - 3-4 @ 30” (pause 2-3sec at the top of each rep)

Even - Kipping Ring Dips @ 22x1 - 5-6 (hold tempo, explode from bottom)

This was another good shoulder day