Friday, April 12, 2024


 Thunder Bros Arms



Close grip bench with 3 second negative and 1 sec pause at bottom

straight into


BB curls, 3 sec neg

Close grip weights 95, 115, 125, 145

BB curls at 65, 70, 75, 80



Dips on the horns

Banded with red band for the 15, bodyweight for the 12, weighted with 35# for the 10 and with 50# for the 8.

Straight into

15-12-10-8 each arm, alternating

DB curl with 3 sec negative, 35#

For time:

5 rounds

15 cal bike

10 deadlift 225#

10 box jumps, 24"

Time: 10:50

Bike at 75 rpm the first set then 62-65 the others. DL were 10 then all 6-4, shouldve held on for 10 on the last set. BJ ub.

15 min z2 bike

127 cals

Avg 48 rpm the first 7:30 min

Avg 58 rpm the 2nd 7:30

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


 Thunder Bros Shoulder

Shoulder Press    

15 x 95

12 x 95 with 2 sec neg and 1 sec pause at bottom

10 x 100 w/2 sec neg, 1 pause

8 x 105 w/2 sec neg, 1 pause

6 x 115 w/2 sec neg, 1 pause

Half kneeling SA banded DB press

Red band

12-10-8-then max reps with no band at 70% of your 8 set weight

Used a 25# for banded sets, then 15# for max set.

53 reps with right arm

43 reps with left arm.

Double KB kipping upright rows


12 kg

18 kg

18 kg

For time:

90 burpees to a 12" target

45 bar muscle ups

divide work however you want

Time: 17:21

I did 15 sets of 6 burpees and 3 bmu. 

First 5 rounds were 4:44.

Second 5 rounds were 6:20 (11:04).

Third 5 rounds were 6:17.

I think I could go sub 15 min if I didn't do all that shoulder work first.

All BMU unbroken

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds

500m row

max distance hs walk

Rows were 1:45, 1:46, 1:47, 1:47, 1:48. These felt good.

Hs walk was one length, then 5, 3, 4, 5 mats

Every minute for 9 minutes

2 wall facing hspu

6 push jerk 135#

I got 2 minutes rx then dropped to 4 push jerk on the 3rd minute. Changed to 2 hspu on the 5th minute.

3 rounds

10 BB roll outs

15 sit ups

1 min high plank hold

Sunday, April 7, 2024


 Thunder Bros

Leg Day

A. 3x30 seated banded single leg hamstring curls

straight into

15 KB RDL with toes elevated on 45# plate w/3 second negative, 53#

B. Front Squat with 3 second negative

15 at 95#

12 at 105#

10 at 115#

8 at 135#

This was good. Could've gone heavier across. Could've done 8 at 155#.

C. BB Back Rack Lunge Return





D. Sumo DB squats on 45# plates.

20 reps on the minute for 10 minutes.











This was easy. Couldve done 90# across. We know for next week now.

E. Low plank oblique tucks

3x30 total