Friday, January 10, 2014


A. Clean & Jerk - build to 1RM; rest as needed

Hit 255 easy. Caught 265 on 4th attempt, just missed lockout overhead
Would've been 10# PR


5 Rounds for time
5 Deadlift @ 225
5 Box Jumps @ 30"

Time: 4:27
Goal was sub 3. Had 2 no rep hspu and came off the wall on 3 of 5 sets because I fell, not because I needed a rest.  DL and box jump UB.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Skill/Play - Bar Muscle-up, Rope Climb, Pistol, HSPU ~15min

Alternating 4min emom, 4 rounds:
5 bar muscle up UB
1 rope climb
8 pistols
5 hspu (strict odd, kip even sets)


15min AMRAP
5 Muscle-ups
5 Burpees
5 Thrusters @ 135#

R: 7+2, missed a 3rd MU at the buzzer, didn't lock out the dip.

Did 5 MU UB thru 4 rounds then 3,2-3,2-2,1,1,1-2

All thrusters UB but. 3rd set I dropped by accident 2,3. These were def the limiting factor 

Row - 10min @ Z1
2:07.2 pace

Monday, January 6, 2014


A. Power Snatch - build to TnG 3RM; rest as needed

155, 165, 175, 180, 185
I am excited about this! This is the first time I've ever attempted more than a single at 185.

B. Squat Clean x1 + Front Squat x2 - 1 set of the complex on the min for 15 sets (205-225#)

7x205, 7x215, 1x225
This was challenging, prob should've done 3 sets at 225.

C. Push Jerk x2 + Split Jerk x2 - 1 set of the complex on the min for 15 sets (185-205#)

Used 185. This was very tough. I did 10 sets of 2+2, and then five sets of 2+1. 

Airdyne - 15min @ Z1
Avg watts 130
Cals 155