On the Minute x 5:
5 “Touch and Go” Power Clean and Jerks
135 135 155 155 155
“Free Agent”
6 Rounds:
200m Run
21 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
9 CTB Pull-Ups
Time: 23:21
Finished 4 rounds and laid on floor in front of fan for 2 min at 13:50 then finished last 2 rounds. Couldnt breathe. Im under fueled and under rested today.
Wb were ub ub the 11-10s
Kbs were ub ub 8-7, 8-7, ub, 10-5
C2b ub
Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
8 Lateral Kettlebell Box Step-Ups (left leg)
8 Lateral Kettlebell Box Step-Ups (right leg)
12 Strict Ring Dips
36 Banded Face Pulls
Rest 2:00 between sets.
Kb was 35 53 53
Dips ub