Friday, April 29, 2022


Box depth jump to broad jump 20"

Bb curl 3x12 w 3sec neg


Bb skull crushers 3x12 w 3sec neg
Straight into
20 Db skullcrushers 35#

35min cap
10 rounds
20 cal row
20 cal bike
20 cal ski

I was 4 cals into 9th bike at Time cap.

5 rounds done at 20:10

Was happy with this. Goal was to hold 1100+ on row, 300+ watts on bike, and had no clue on ski (ended up holding 1100+ on ski for a 1:07 time).

Hit my goals and beat everyone by over 2 rounds. Would've finished around 41min.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Sumo deadlift
65, 75, 85%


20min cap
2 rounds
Cal row
Front squat 115#
Kbs 53#
Rest 2min

Time: 20:00

first round in 7:47
front squat as 21, 8-7, 9

had 9 swings left in 2nd round at cap. should've finished. front squats were weak in 2nd round: 8-7-6, 8-4-3, 5-4

stayed up late, wasn't feeling it today.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Gymnastic complex
6 rounds not for time
4 kips swings + 2 pull ups + 4 c2b + 4 t2b

All rounds ub with 1min rest

15min amrap
20 abmat sit ups
12 air squats
3 ring muscle ups

Every 2min do 40 dus (starting at 2min, don't do DUs at 14min)

R: 7+14

all ub movements unless DUs split them.
DUs ub on 4 of 6 sets.

Ran 800 after a 30sec rest in 4:08 (slow for me).