Bending + Single-leg Squatting Assistance
A) 2 Pause Clean Grip Deadlift (1" off ground, below knee, above knee): @31P1 tempo, 4 x 4; rest 2min (265# across, release & reset @ bottom of each rep)
Yes, u said it looked good
B) KB 1arm Deficit Deadlift: @4121 tempo ,8" Deficit, 4 x 5-6 ea arm; rest 60sec b/t arms (96# across))
Yes, less back tightness this time. Started w left arm first.
C) Stability Disc BAND Assisted Shrimp Squats: @3121 tempo, 3 x 8-10ea leg; rest 60sec b/t legs
I like this a lot more than ring assisted. Purple band allows me to work legs better.
D) Strict L-CTB Pull-up: @21x1 tempo, 3 x AMRAP UB; rest 90sec
7, 6, 5
E) ABwheel Roll-out: accumulate 30 total reps (slow, controlled)