Saturday, June 22, 2013


Starting tomorrow I am trying a 3 week caloric increase to stimulate adaptation to our current high volume strength cycle to stimulate massive growth in my squat.

Starting BW: 191

5,000 cal/d on training days (5 days/wk)

3,500-4,000 cal/d on non-training days


Saturday 130622

A. Run - 4 x 30m @ 100% effort; rest 2-3min (these are for maximum speed and power, this must be a straight-away run NOT a shuttle)

6.2, 5.9, 5.7, 6.2

B. BB. Squat Jump - 5 x 3 @ 30% 1RM; rest 3-4min (these are for maximum power and height, DO NOT SQUAT BELOW PARALLEL)


C. Squat Clean - 4 x 3; rest 2min (all 4 sets should be heavy, build up to heavy triple before starting "work sets")


Friday, June 21, 2013


Friday 130621

6 min EMOM kipping hspu

3x5, 3x7

30min Deep Practice on any 3 movements of your choosing:

10 min EMOM push jerk

3 reps (2 sets each: 95,115,135,165,175)

10 min EMOM pistols 5 each leg

Finished all sets

10 min EMOM TGU 3 each arm

53# UB 


No rest b/t sets

Row - 12min @ Z1 - 2939

Row - 12 x (30sec @ avg 2000m pace minus 5sec; 30sec @ Z1) - 5963

Couldn't hold minus 5. Held minus 2 for 3 rounds then 2k pace for 2 then plus 4 for 7

Row - 12min @ Z1 - 8761

Thursday, June 20, 2013


A. Deadlift - 3 x 10; rest 2-3min (all sets at working weight)


B. Alt BB Step Lunge - 3 x 6 each leg; rest 15sec b/t legs; 90sec b/t sets (all sets at working weight)


C1. Strict HSPU - 3 x 10 @ 31x1; rest 60sec (use deficit if needed)

10, 9, 7(broken sets kipped rest)

C2. Strict Pull-up - 3 x 10 @ 41x2; rest 60sec (add weight if needed)

10,10,10 UB

D1. Bar Dip - 3 x 10 @ 41x2 ; rest 60sec (add weight if needed)

3x10 UB

D2. Supine Ring Row - 3 x 10 @ 41x2; rest 60sec (elevate feet above head so that your body is parallel to the ground at the top of the rep; add weight if needed)

10, 10, 7,3


Airdyne - 20min @ Z1

Avg 162 watts, 245 cals

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Front Squat - 2 x 10 @ 135

Power Clean - 2 x 10 @ 135

Rope Climb - 1 x 18’ ascent

Muscle-up - 2 x 3-5 UB Reps

Strict HSPU - 2 x 3-5 UB Reps

Hanging Knee Raise - 2 x 8-10 Reps

Double-unders - 2 x 30 (or 2 x max UB if more than 30) 47, 31

I just wanted to provide clarification on what I meant by "WORKING WEIGHT".  When I use the term working weight I want you to work up to the weight you plan on using for all of the prescribed sets.  This is different than "WORK TO HEAVY" which would indicate that you need to build weight up on each subsequent set -or- "HEAVIER THAN LAST TIME" which would indicate that all sets should be heavier than the previous week.

Tuesday 130618

I felt like crap today. Diarrhea 5x before I came in

A1. Shoulder Press - 3 x 10; rest 60sec (all sets at working weight)

95, 115, 115

A1. Weighted Pull-up - 3 x 10; rest 2min (all sets at working weight)


B1. Bench Press - 3 x 10; rest 60sec (all sets at working weight)

205, 205(8), 205(9)

B2. BB Bent Row - 3 x 10; rest 2min (all sets at working weight)



Run - 6 x 150m; rest 3min (rest 5min b/t 3 & 4)

Did not do cuz of feeling like absolute dogshit

Monday, June 17, 2013


The following is our “greasing the groove” warm-up, feel free to mix this up however you want. This work should be done EVERY DAY before starting the training template during this cycle (which will comprise weeks 10-22...)

Front Squat - 2 x 10 @ 135

Power Clean - 2 x 10 @ 135

Rope Climb - 1 x 18’ ascent

Muscle-up - 2 x 3-5 UB Reps

Strict HSPU - 2 x 3-5 UB Reps

Hanging Knee Raise - 2 x 8-10 Reps

Double-unders - 2 x 30 (or 2 x max UB if more than 30) 34, 32


A. Back Squat - 3 x 10; rest 2-3min (all sets at working weight)


B. Good Morning - 3 x 10; rest 2min (all sets at working weight)

135, 115, 115

C. Squat Snatch - 3 x 1; rest 90sec (build to heavy ~80% of 1RM)



Row - 8 x 500m @ 2000m pace minus 3sec; rest 90sec (stop when you can no-longer hold pace)

141.2, 140.0, 142.0, 143.3