Friday, May 24, 2024


 12 min EMOM


Min 1-4 - 3 reps

Min 5-8 - 2 reps

Min 9-12 - 1 rep

Started at 135 and added weight every 2 minutes until the last 2 minutes.

135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 225 for 1, 245 for 1.

I was pumped about 245. I haven't attempted that in a long time. It was pretty easy. Leg day is paying dividends.

For time:

15 rounds

2 powerclean 185#

5 t2b

Time: 7:05

My goal was to TNG all the powercleans. I did. T2b were ub. 

Kettlebell WOD

10 min EMOM

10 russian swings 70#

rest 1 min

10 min EMOM

1 TGU 70# (alternate arms each minute)

15min z2 bike

61 rpm avg

186 cals

Accumulate 3 minutes of dead hang.

Took me 6 minutes. Did 1 minute then sets of 30 sec. The PC/T2B taxed my forearms.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Chin ups

15 banded with 2 sec up and 2 sec down, red band

max rep unassisted no tempo - 11

max rep banded - 10

max rep banded - 10


20 min amrap

6 deadlift 225#

7 burpee pull ups

10 kbs 70#

200m run

Rounds: 7+10

We changed burpees to bar facing because of all the pull ups we did in the strength. I slowed down significantly after 3 rounds. All DL and KBS unbroken.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



8 min cap

10 rounds

3 powersnatch 135#

3 bar facing burpee

Time: 5:56

3 rounds TNG then quick singles. 

rest 5 min


8 min cap

10 rounds

3 clean and jerk 135#

3 bar facing burpees

Time: 6:43

2 rounds TNG then singles. Wanted to go longer with TNG but snatches took it out of me.

3 rounds

100 bent hollow flutter kicks

20 ring knee tucks

15min z2 bike

57 rpm avg

146 cals

Sunday, May 19, 2024


 Thunder Bros Legs

Warm up

Banded Bulgarian Split Squat with single DB

10 reps each leg


10 Dbl DB RDL with 3 sec neg and 1 sec pause

Bands per set: red, black, green, blue

Single 25# DB

RDLs with 25# 

5 sets

12 Back Squat with 3 sec neg, 1 sec pause, 135#


20 Heel Elevated 2" 3/4 Goblet Squat, 50#

Last set used 155# for squat. The goblet squats smoked the quads.

3 sets

10 Landmine rear lunge curtsy 1/2 up + full up = 1 rep, each leg. 25#

5 sets

30 seated DB calf raises, 50# on each leg.