Friday, July 29, 2016


1. Warm-up*
Hip Extensions 1?15 with a 20/14lb medicine ball hugged to chest
Then 3 rounds:
15 Russian Power Swings 70/53lbs
10 Burpees 

2. Squat Clean ladder
Add 10lbs every minute til fail:
185, 195, 205, 215

Stopped at 215 cuz felt back tweak

3. Met-Con *
2009 Games Final
15 Power Cleans 155/100 (8-7)
30 Toes to Bar (10s)
30 Box Jumps 24/20 (ub)
15 Muscle Ups (5-5-3-2)
30 DB Push Press 45s (10s)
30 Dus (1-1-2-26)
15 thrusters 135 (3s)
30 pull ups (10s)
30 burpees (slow terrible)
300' ohwl 45 (50s)

Time: 26:35

Thursday, July 28, 2016


21 HPC (135/95), 21 Burpees over Bar, 100 DU
15 HPC (135/95), 15 Burpees over Bar, 75 DU
9 HPC (135/95), 9 Burpees over Bar, 50 DU

Time: 11:57

Hpc were 21, 8-7, 5-4
Bob were ub
Dus were real broken. That's what killed my time.

Was done with 21 hpc and bob in 2:26, finished 100 dus at 5:00.