Thursday, October 10, 2013


4 Rounds @ 85%
400m Run
7 Snatches @ 135
15 Pull-ups
Rest 3min b/t rounds

This felt good. Started out slow on run and got faster. All singles, UB pull ups.

R1: 2:46

Avg hr 152, max 174/107, cals 37

R2: 2:42

Avg hr 159, max 179/122, cals 40

R3: 2:37

Avg hr 162, max 180/121, cals 42

R4: 2:35

Avg hr 162, max 179/126, cals  42

4 Rounds @ 85%
400m Run
7 Clean & Jerk @ 165#
15 Burpees
Rest 3min b/t rounds

This one hit the lungs more than the other. All c&j singles seamless transition. Burpees UB

R1: 3:28

Avg hr 163, max 173/128, cals 63

R2: 3:18

Avg hr 162, max 174/126, cals 63

R3: 3:22

Avg hr 162, max 175/130, cals 63

R4: 3:09

Avg hr 161, max 175/ 120, cals 62

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


A. Clean Grip Deadlift - in 3 sets build to a moderate TnG 5

225, 275, 300
Based final weight off 71% of most recent max

B. Shoulder Press - in 3 sets build to a moderate Tng 5

95, 115, 135 based on 71% max

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 3 Squat Cleans @ 185
Even - 4-5 UB Muscle-ups

All sets of 5 UB. Did squat cleans with drop and right back on it. Was finished with cleans in 17-20sec each round, MU in 13-18.

EMOM for 12min
Odd - 5 Thrusters @ 135
Even - 10 T2B UB

All thrusters UB in 10-12 sec. Doesn't feel very explosive. All c2b UB but last set had to kip last 3.

Monday, October 7, 2013


A. Hang Snatch - 5 x @ 135; rest 20sec b/t clusters; 2min b/t sets

This was fun. I like this work. Need to be faster from hip to overhead.

Airdyne - 5min @ Z1
Airdyne - 30sec @ 85%
Airdyne - 30sec @ 50%
Rest exactly 15min
Airdyne - 10min for MAX CALS
Cals: 241, avg watts 340

This an 12 calorie pR


A. Front Squat - in 5 sets, build to a max for the day; rest as needed

215, 235, 255, 275(f), 265, 275 success
I tried 285 after an didn't get it

B. Hang Squat Clean x 1 + Squat Clean x 1 + Split Jerk x 2 - 5 sets of the complex; rest 3min

185, 195, 205, 215, 225
On 225 set I lost my hook grip as I went down from the hang squat clean to the squat clean and had to pull 2x. Failed both jerks. See video.

C. Wall Facing HSPU - 6 x AMRAP; rest 60sec

9, 5,  3, 2, 4, 4

D. Seated DB 2arm Neutral Grip Press - 3 x 15-20; rest 90sec (2sec pause overhead)
