Wednesday, October 23, 2013


12min AMRAP @85%
Row 500m
7 OHS @ 75#
7 Pull-ups
Rest 3min


Avg hr 158, max 175/113, cals 242

Did all of these outside. Jumped inside for pull-ups which cost a little time but it was too nice out to be inside.

Airdyne - 12min @ 85%
Rest 3min

256 avg watts, 221 cal

Avg hr 160, max 169/117, cals 249

This felt good, was very consistent at 252 watts almost whole time.

12min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 500m
7 Hang Power Clean @ 95
7 V-ups


Avg hr 160, max 172/123, cals 247

This was good. Row avg 1:53. Hang cleans felt very weird and uncoordinated working the technique change from yesterday.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


A. Snatch Technique - 20min NTE 60-70%

Did 20 min of snatch from knee off blocks working quick hips with 95


EMOM for 14min
Odd - Squat Snatch x 3 @ 145 (perfect reps, take your time, do not rush)

1 failed rep on third set squat snatch, all MU UB 

Even - Muscle-up + Dip x 3-4 UB Reps (complete a full muscle-up + 1 ring dip each rep)


EMOM for 14min
Odd - Thruster x 5 @ 135
Even - Butterfly C2B x 10 UB reps

All UB except final set of c2b did 7 them 3 kip

Monday, October 21, 2013


A. Front Squat - in 5 sets, build to a moderate triple; rest as needed (use relative intensity chart, medium-heavy)

185, 195, 205, 215, 225 (81%)

Really focused on butt between my feet and I stayed so vertical. Felt great.

B. Squat Clean - 1 rep every 30sec for 20 reps (use 185-205)

205# all sets no misses.  Carried over vertical spine here an it felt great.

C. Seated BB Good Morning - 4 x 10-12; rest 90sec (3sec negative, 3sec pause @ bottom)

75, 85x3

10 lbs made a big difference. These felt weird. Never done it seated.

D. KB 2arm Front Rack Holds - 4 x AMSEC; rest 60sec (hold bottom of squat for AMSEC, use 62-70#)

62# for 32, 27, 22, 21.  That was tough! Feel the groin more than anything at the end.