Saturday, April 19, 2014


A. Squat Clean x1 + Front Squat x5 - 1 set of the complex on the min for 12 sets

155 all ub

10 Burpees
8 UB Power Snatches @ 95#
4 OHS @ 95#
8 UB Power Snatches @ 95#
10 Burpees
Rest 5min

R1: 1:40 ub
R2: 1:51 ub
R3: 2:03 broke after 1st and 4th rep in second set of snatch. Grip was smoked.

Friday, April 18, 2014

4/18/14 am

Run 200m @ 85%
Airdyne 90sec @ 85%
Rest 60sec

Took 90sec rests

Avg hr 151, max 173/min 113, cals 522, rec 32

4/18/14 pm

15min AMRAP
10 Strict Pull-ups (not CTB)
10 Strict Ring Dips

Rounds: 8+5 pull ups

Holy chest and tricep strap burn!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

4/17/14 pm

A. Split Jerk - 10 singles @ tough weight; rest 90sec

185, 205, 225, 225, 235, 235, 245, 245, 245, 245

Form sucks

B1. HB Back Squat - 10 tough reps x5; rest 10sec


B2. Front Squat - 5 reps x5 (same weight as ""A""); rest 30sec

This was not as challenging as last week. With an additional set I still felt better than last week

B3. Back Rack Walking Lunge - 24 steps x5; rest 3min


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


60min Z1 Skill Session

9 holes of frisbee golf at Bradford Park
Score: +6

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/15/14 pm

A. Jerk Grip OHS - 5 moderate reps x3; rest 90sec

75, 95, 115
I'm going to need to widen my jerk grip

B1. Push Press - 5 tough reps x4; rest 20sec

135, 155, 165, 185 (4)

B2. HSPU - AMRAP in 60sec x4; rest 30sec

23 (21 ub), 12 (11 ub), 10 (7,3), 10 (7,3)

B3. Rings Dip - 15 reps for time x4; rest 4min

18, 19, 19, 22

C1. Wtd. Strict Pull-up - 5 tough reps x4; rest 20sec

53 as 5,5,4,1 and 2,1,1 fail

C2. Kipping CTB Pull-up - 15 for time x4; rest 3min

22, 25, 25, 26 all ub

4/15/14 am

Airdyne - 3min @ 85%
Airdyne - 60sec slow-spin recovery

Avg hr 152, max 174/min 81, cal 528, rec 32

Monday, April 14, 2014

4/14/14 pm2

30 min z1 airdyne

4/14/14 pm

A. HB Back Squat - 4,4,4,2,2,2; rest 2min

275, 280,  295, 305 (1), 300 as 1 rest 30 then 1, 300 (1)

Hit 295 for 4 and couldn't hit 300 for 2. Dumb.

B1. Squat Clean - 3-4 x5; rest 60sec

155,165,175,185, 195

B2. DB 2arm Parallel Squat Jumps - 12-15 x5; rest 2min

20, 30, 35, 45, 60

C. Sled Push - 30sec x5; rest 2min (moderate load, fast turn-over)
