Saturday, January 19, 2013


A. 2 Position Snatch (Power/Above Knee) – 4 x 1 (keep it light)

B. Snatch – 6 x 1 (80% of heavy Snatch from Friday)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings @ 53
12 Burpees
Time: 8:21

Rest 10-15min

3 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
15 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters @ 95
Time: 10:00

Friday, January 18, 2013

1/18/13 PM

Hip to overhead (spread bar) 5x5 bar

C. Snatch – work heavy for the day, as many sets as needed, stop when technique breaks down
95x2, 125x2, 135x2, 155, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185(fail 2x)
EMOM for 8min
8 OHS @ 135
12 C2B Pull-ups
Rest 10min
4 rounds in 6 min (2 straight 8,12 then min break, 1 set of 8,8 min break, 8,8)

Airdyne 20min @ Z1

1/18/13 AM

Airdyne sprints 10x15sec, 1 min rest
See pic

A1. HSPU – 6 x 12 AFAP; rest 20sec
A2. Double-unders – 6 x 40sec AMRAP; rest 2:00
See pic

B. Strict Hanging Knee Raise – 4 x 10; rest 60sec

Thursday, January 17, 2013


45 of mobility

10 min z1 airdyne

6 rounds:
3 weighted pull ups 53#, rest 20 sec
6 muscle ups, rest 1 min

10 min mobility

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Only one part to the workout today. This is our basic conditioning test, goal is to get each round under 4:00 for elite level competition. The key is to set a fast pace on the burpees and hold it. At this point we've done tons of work at this 2-4min lactate tolerance range, you are ready to crush this.

Preston and I will be doing this at 10:00am. If you are available at that time, come in and join us.

Split press 5x5 - 75
Jerk balance 5x5 - 75
A. Rack Jerk – 6 x 1 (85% 1RM)

3 Rounds for time of: (compare to Tuesday 12/04/2012)
250m Row
15 KB Swings @ 62
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings @ 62
250m Row
Rest 12min btw rounds
R1: 3:45

10min Airdyne @ Z1

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Run 1000m @ Z1
Rest 2min
3 Rounds @ 80-85% effort:
20cal Airdyne
20 Wall Ball @ 24#
Rest 2min (after you complete all 3 rounds)
Time: 5:20 (unbroken)
Run 1000m @ Z1

A. Jerk Drills - Split Press 5 x 5

Foot Work (jerk balance) 5 x 5

B. Clean & Jerk EMOM – 6 x 1 (80% of heavy C&J from Monday)

C. LB Back Squat – 5 x 3 (80% of last Tuesday’s heavy); rest 2:00

Monday, January 14, 2013


B. Jerk Drills – Split Press 5 x 5 (front rack)
95, 115, 135, 135, 135

Jerk Blance 5 x 5
95, 115, 135, 155, 175(4)

C. Clean & Jerk – work heavy for the day, as many sets as needed, stop when technique breaks down, no missed reps
175, 195, 215, 235(fail 2x, press out from 2nd)

D. Weighted GHD Sit-up – 3 x 12

7min AMRAP of:
7 Dead-lift @ 245
7 Ring Dips
Rest 5min
R: 10+1
7min AMRAP of:
10 KB Swings @ 72#
10 Clap Push-ups (feet elevated on 25+45# plates)
Rest 5min
R: 4+10+5
7min AMRAP of:
15 Box Jump
15 Push-ups (no hand release)
R: 4+15+8

Split Press - This exercise can be helpful to reinforce and strengthen the proper split jerk receiving position. Starting with the bar racked on the front as it would be for a front squat and the feet in the jerk split position, push the bar out of rack position, then punch with the arms back to receive the bar with locked elbows. The feet remain connected to the ground throughout the movement, and the weight should remain balanced between the front and back feet, with the bar traveling straight up over the back of the neck.

Jerk Balance - Starting with the bar in the jerk rack position and the feet split to approximately half the final split jerk length. Dip and drive the bar up overhead while pushing against the planted back foot and moving the front foot the remaining distance into the final split position.